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Q: If you open a duck egg before crack will it still be alive?
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My duck laid an egg which has a real little crack.. My female duck died on Sunday after laying the egg. I did not know she laid an egg and on on Tuesday I found the egg. Is it still alive?

It would still be viable but the crack in the egg will probably render it useless for hatching. Cracks in eggs allow bacteria and disease to enter the fertilized eggs and effect the viability. Most cracked eggs do not make it to full hatch.

If you saw a duck nest and then found an egg at the bottom of ur pool and took it out with a net and noticed it was crack with some fluids coming out is there any way for the duck to be alive or hatch?

The egg would be no good once it has been cracked.

Should you help crack the duck eggs?

no,it can take off their skin...

How many days weeks does the egg of duck crack?

Over 9000!

What Color is Ducky From The Land Before Time?

Umm who still watches that movie .. . . she lives with her mom and dad

Is Duck Head apparel still in business?

Yes, Duck Head is still in Business.

What do you call a mummy duck?

She is still known as a duck.

How can you tell if you found a duck egg?

The easiest was to know is to crack it open and examine the embryo.

What happens when a duck egg breaks before it hatches?

Unfortunately, if a duck eggs breaks before it hatches, the baby duck shall not survive, if in early stages. If the egg breaks right before the duck hatches, the duck may survive.

Is Oboe the name of the duck in Peter and the Wolf?

In the Prokofiev original, the duck does not have a name, it's just called "the duck." In the Disney cartoon, the duck's name is Sonia. Sonia escapes the wolf in the Disney version; in the original, the duck does get eaten (but a line at the end explains that the duck was swallowed alive and can still be heard quacking in the wolf's stomach, which I guess is better than nothing).

What word can go before pretty and duck?

What word can go before pretty or duck

Why is a rubber duck non-living?

Because it's not alive.