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Yes. Unless you have a 28 day cycle, your personalized due date will be less than your LMP due date.

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Q: If you ovulated late are your pregnancy weeks supose to be less than your actual lmp date?
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How accurate is a pregnancy test 3 weeks before your period?

Its not, since you have probably not even ovulated yet.

Had intercourse two weeks ago will a pregnancy test work?

It will depend on when you ovulated. Home pregnancy tests work best when used 14 to 16 days after ovulation.

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Depends... if you ovulated already, 14 days or so. If you haven't ovulated, up to 30 days. You need 2 weeks after you ovulate to get an accurate pregnancy test...

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Pregnancy dates are determined by the first day of your last period. This adds at least 2 weeks to the actual fetal age. Another determining factor is when you ovulated/actually got pregnant. Some women ovulate later in their cycle resulting in a lower actual fetal age.

Can you get craps one week into pregnancy?

Yes you can. I had cramping from the day I ovulated til 6 weeks into the pregancy. I thought AF would come but nope I was preggers! YAY!

How late into pregnancy could your pregnancy tests results still come back negative?

You should wait to test at least 14 to 16 days after ovulation. However some women don't get accurate readings because they don't know when they ovulated, they ovulated late, or implantation was late. Most women are able to get an accurate home pregnancy test in 4 to 8 weeks of pregnancy. If you get negative home test and still feel that you may be pregnant you should see a Dr for a blood test as it can detect pregnancy much sooner.

Is your LMP date is when you got pregnant?

They consider your LMP (Last Monthly Period) to be the starting day of your last period, they track the 40 weeks of pregnancy from that, but no, it's not the actually day where you ovulated and got pregnant. You usually ovulate about 2 weeks AFTER your LMP so technically when you are "4 weeks pregnant" the baby is only 2 weeks.

How many weeks pregnant are you if your period was 3 weeks ago?

You might be 3 weeks pregnant -- even though you only ovulated 1 week ago. It is just how they count pregnancy weeks -- from first day of last period. Generally you ovulate around day 14. You won't actually know if you are pregnany until you miss your next period

Is it possible for a home pregnancy test to detect pregnancy before a blood pregnancy test?

no a blood pregnancy test can scan for lower levels of pregnancy hormones then a pregnancy test. a blood test can usually be taken after two weeks ovulatsion. depending on when you ovulated if you know i surgest if you wish to find out if your pregnant before your missed period that you use a pregnancy test whitch can detect the pregnancy hormones 6 days early. it will be best for you to take this test with the first pee in the morning.

How many days in a pregnancy after conception?

A full term human pregnancy is to 259 - 280 days or 37-40 weeks. This is calculated from the first day of your last period, so to be more accurate, if conception took place 14 days after the first day of your last period, you need to subtract 14 days from the 259-280 days. However, the way the medical community gages it, a woman is considered 2 weeks pregnant the day she conceives because they chart the pregnancy from the first day of the last menstrual cycle.

How long will it take for you to know if your pregnant after sex?

Usually after you had sex it takes 2 weeks before you can use a actual pregnancy test.

If you ovulated 3 weeks ago what should HcG be?

If You are Not pregnant your BCG level should be 0