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Q: If you owe state student loans do the IRS take state taxes or federal taxes?
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Do federal student loans count as income for tax purposes?

No. Student loans are borrowed money, and is not considered "income;" therefore, you do not include them on your taxes.

Can student loans be taken out of your federal taxes?

Yes, if your at a public school but not at private schools

Can a landlord take from your tax refund?

No. The IRS will take an income tax refund for back federal or state taxes, unpaid child support or alimony, student loans in default, and any unpaid federal or government debt.

Can the federal government garnish the total amount of your social security check?

For unpaid taxes and unpaid student loans, yes.

Do you file for taxes if you are a full-time student dependent on student loans?

Yes it is possible that as a full time student you would be required to file a 1040 federal income tax return

Can you get student loans with back taxes?


Can taxes be taken for student loans?

Federally guaranteed or insured loans, yes.

Can you get financial aid after your taxes were offset for student loans?


Can a privately owned entity seize your tax refund to satisfy a debt?

No. Only the IRS can keep your federal income tax refund, and only for unpaid child support or alimony, unpaid federal or state taxes, student loans in default, and any unpaid federal or government debt.

What are some reasons that your federal tax return be taken?

If you're asking about your tax refund, the federal government will seize it for back taxes owed, student loans or any other government loans, child support, or any debts that you owe to the government.

Will back taxes effect your student loans?

No, but is will affect your credit report.

Can the state withhold federal income taxes if you owe welfare?

Your state can flag your account to withhold your federal refund in order to meet a debt owed;however, in general, your state,they can only take your taxes if you owe on a student loan, have back child support, or owe taxes. I guess you need to contact Dept of revenue of your state.