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they are fighting for our country so hopefuly a whole lot . they love the usa there the best heros every! kdb23

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Q: If you paid off a family home that is in probate with your own money can you claim the amount you paid on your taxes?
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Does a wife have to have probate to retrieve the money in his personal bank account if her husband's will is solely in her favour and she is the executor?

In India, if the claim is based on a will then it is normally probated. However in the instant case, as the claimant appears to be a first class legal heir, banks may waive probation depending on the amount of the claim and absence of any other claim.

Can executor get money back from out of pocket expense?

The executor can make a claim against the estate for expenses. The probate court will have to approve. The expenses have to be reasonable and normal.

How can you get an inheritance loan?

You can get an inheritance loan to get money more quickly when you are due to inherit money or get a legacy from someones estate. There is often a delay in receiving your inheritance while the estate that the money is coming from obtains probate. Companies specialising in inheritance loans will lend you money while probate is being obtained.

If I need the money for medical bills, is it possible to get a probate cash advance on my inheritance?

For Heirs of a Probate who need advance cash on their Inheritance now, rather than waiting for the Estate in Probate to close, Heir Advance Company offers you an immediate Probate Loan, or Inheritance cash advance solution.

Can executor decide amount of money you get after your parent is dead?

The amount of money you receive from your parent's estate is set forth in the will. In some cases a specific bequest is made to each person. In other cases the heirs are treated as a class to "share and share alike". You may be more comfortable with the process if you read a copy of the will and review the inventory of personal and real property that has been filed by the executor. If the will has been filed for probate those documents should be available for your examination at your request. Someone at the probate court could assist you.

Related questions

What happens to money in bank when a person dies and has a will and has survivors?

Depending on the amount of money, some qualified family member must request to be appointed the Administrator of the estate. There is usually an expedited process for small estates. You need to inquire at your local probate court.Depending on the amount of money, some qualified family member must request to be appointed the Administrator of the estate. There is usually an expedited process for small estates. You need to inquire at your local probate court.Depending on the amount of money, some qualified family member must request to be appointed the Administrator of the estate. There is usually an expedited process for small estates. You need to inquire at your local probate court.Depending on the amount of money, some qualified family member must request to be appointed the Administrator of the estate. There is usually an expedited process for small estates. You need to inquire at your local probate court.

When would one obtain a probate loan?

One can obtain a probate loan if he or she is expecting an inheritance. The heirs can ask for money in advance which can be deducted from the amount of inherited assets. The probate attorney will see to it that the heirs get this probate loan.

Does a wife have to have probate to retrieve the money in his personal bank account if her husband's will is solely in her favour and she is the executor?

In India, if the claim is based on a will then it is normally probated. However in the instant case, as the claimant appears to be a first class legal heir, banks may waive probation depending on the amount of the claim and absence of any other claim.

How can probate property be beneficial to the family and possible buyers?

The family is able to recieve quick cash for potentially useless property if the family obtains a buyer. The buyer will normally recieve a much cheaper price. it can be beneficial to both in many ways. family gets ther money in the desired amount and the possible buyers can get the inheritage with their money.

Is a spouse responsible for a deceased spouse's car lease if it is in his name only?

A spouse is almost never responsible for the expenses of a deceased spouse. However, if the deceased spouse had money and there will be probate, someone may make a claim against the deceased spouse's money in probate court.

Where can I get donations for probate money?

There are very few charities that exist that will provide donations for probate money. Most money needed for probate issues will have to be privately raised.

What grant do you apply for if you wish to commence proceedings against the estate of deceased person and no other grant has been made?

Generally, if you want to file a claim against the estate of a person who you believe owes you money, there is a statutory period that varies from state to state during which such a claim must be filed. You should check the laws of your jurisdiction. You should file a written claim with the court where the probate has been filed. You must state your name, address, the amount owed and any proof that supports your claim. If the estate denies your claim then you can request a hearing. If there is no probate filed with a court the claim should be made to the heirs. If you are a creditor and there are assets and no probate has been filed, you can petition the court of jurisdiction to be appointed administrator in most jurisdictions. You would have to pay the costs of the administration.

How do you collect money owed from the deceased?

You must have written proof of the debt. If you do, you can file a claim against the estate as soon as the estate has been filed in probate.

Can executor get money back from out of pocket expense?

The executor can make a claim against the estate for expenses. The probate court will have to approve. The expenses have to be reasonable and normal.

What happens to bank acoount if someone dies without a will?

Depending on the amount of money, some qualified family member must request to be appointed the Administrator of the estate. There is usually an expedited process for small estates. You need to inquire at your local probate court.Depending on the amount of money, some qualified family member must request to be appointed the Administrator of the estate. There is usually an expedited process for small estates. You need to inquire at your local probate court.Depending on the amount of money, some qualified family member must request to be appointed the Administrator of the estate. There is usually an expedited process for small estates. You need to inquire at your local probate court.Depending on the amount of money, some qualified family member must request to be appointed the Administrator of the estate. There is usually an expedited process for small estates. You need to inquire at your local probate court.

Who claim the life insurance if the owner is death and the beneficiary too?

Assuming you have no will or trust set up, the money will go into your estate and distributed in probate court by a judge.

A family member was killed in an auto accident in the state of kansas. Does insurance money paying for the totaled car have to go through probate?

It depends on who the car belonged to. If the car owner is not the deceased, no, it would not go through probate. Any insurance money paid as a result of the death itself would go through probate.