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No. Supporting your family is NOT deductible anywhere, regardess of how you do it. By paying to the custodial parent, or if you had them, buying the bicycle, trips to Disney, clothes, food, etc that one does for their kids. It is simply a responsibility.

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Q: If you pay child support can you claim it on your taxes in ny state?
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Can your mother claim your son on her taxes if you owe back child support?

To claim a child as a dependent on your taxes, the child must have lived with you and you must have provided support for over 50% of the year. So the mother in this case can claim her grandson on her taxes if she supported the child for at least 183 days out of the year, regardless of whether or not the mother of the child owes back child support.

Can a parent claim a child on their taxes if they have already gave up rights to the child?

You can only claim a child on your taxes if you provide at least 50% of the FINANCIAL support (through mortgage, food, clothing, education, etc.) for the child. If you provided at least 50% of the support for the child, then you can claim the child for the tax year in which you provided the support.

Do they garnish both state and federal taxes for back child support?

If you owe back child support then both state and federal taxes can be intercepted.

Can i claim my child on my taxes even though i owe child support?

Do you have the child 51% of the time? see my profile no

Can you claim your incarcerated child on your taxes?

In most cases, yes, you can still claim an incarcerated child as a dependent on your taxes if you provided more than half of their financial support for the year. However, it's recommended to consult with a tax professional or accountant to ensure you meet all the necessary criteria and requirements.

Does a father have to pay more child support if he claims child?

I can only assume you mean claiming the child on your taxes. If you pay child support on a child and claim that child on your taxes, you are committing tax fraud. You can only claim a child on your taxes if you are providing most of his support and that includes he has to be living with you for most of the tax year. How much a father pays does not necessarily relate to him claiming the child on his tax return. You need to review your court orders. They should address who gets to claim the child as a dependent for tax purposes. If not set forth in the order then check your state laws. Most states provide that the custodial parent gets to claim the child for all of the reasons set forth above.

Can someone claim your child on their state taxes if you claimed that same child already on your federal taxes?

No, the state will accept only dependants listed on your federal return

Claim my child's school lunch on my taxes?

My child has to pay for lunch can I claim that on my taxes?

Is it illegal for letting someone claim your child on their taxes?

They can only do so if the child is a qualifying child or relative anyway...and they provided the support.

Can you claim a child if it does not state in divorce degree?

Yes, IRS rules state that the parent who cared for the child more than 50% of the year can claim the child on their taxes, regardless of what the divorce decree says.

Does a father paying support have a right to claim the child on their taxes if it was not previously established?

You need to check your state laws and your divorce decree very carefully. In some states the custodial working parent has a statutory right to claim the child. You should consult with an attorney.

What do a father on child support do about carrying his child on his income taxes?

He can only claim the child as a dependent if there is a clause in the divorce agreement which allows him to claim the child or if he is the primary caregiver and there is no divorce agreement. You should always consult a lawyer or a tax consultant first though. The laws may vary depending on the state in which you reside. Check with the IRS website and your state rules.