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The other egg just gets reabsorbed into your body and you will not have a period. ~pawsalmighty

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Q: If you produce two eggs due to fertility drugs and only one is fertilized what happens to the other egg and do you get a period?
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What happens if the fertilized egg does not implant?

it sheds along with your period..

What does the ovary produce in the menstrual cycle?

Ovaries produce eggs which travel to the uterus. There they will either get fertilized by sperm or the the uterus will shed its lining, which causes a period.

What happens in the uterus if the egg is not fertilized?

If the egg is not fertilized it disintegrates (breaks down) and menstruation (your period) begins 11-16 days later. The mature egg is fertilized when it is joined with a sperm cell.

Why does the menstrual cycle happen?

Your body is getting ready to have a baby but if the egg you produce is not fertilized by a sperm it along with it's lining fall out of your body through your vagina therefore creating your period which then happens over again creating the menstrual cycle. Hope this helps!

If a fertilized egg does not implant when should you expect your period?

you should expect it on the day it suppose to come on.. Implantation happens a week before your if it didn't happen you got til when your period should come on.

What is a womans period?

A woman's period is what happens when a females uterus has one or occasionally two eggs that is not fertilized by a male in a certain amount of time. The egg must come out, so the egg comes out with a bit of blood. How you get it fertilized by a male is through sex.

If you release more than egg is it possible that one gets fertilized and the other gives you a period?

No. If the fertilized egg implants, no period will occur.

Why do you bleed in puberty?

By bleed I assume you mean start your period? This happens when your menstrual cycle begins producing eggs that need to be fertilized by sperm, when you have your period it slightly splits the lining of your vagina causing it to bleed.

What happens when oocyte is fertilized by two sperm?

It will not be a successful conception and the women will have a period at the end of her cycle instead of getting pregnant.

If an egg is fertilised a woman stops having her period What is meant by the 'period' AND What happens to the fertilised egg HELP PLEASE?

"Period" is a term for menstruation ... the biological cleaning out of the endometium (inner lining) of the uterus - done to prepare the uterus to receive the fertilized egg. The fertilized egg "implants" (sticks to) the wall of the uterus and develops into a fetus (complete with placenta) which will eventually be born as a child.

Can you get pregnant the night before your period and have a regular period?

Unless u weren't fertilized.

Do you have to have a recent period to get pregnant?

No a menstrual cycle only happens AFTER you didnt become pregnant. If no egg was fertilized or implanted into the uterine lining, then u have a period. The uterus expels the lining and begins preparing for ovulation again. Which includes building up the uterine lining again, and hormones cause an egg to be released. If the egg is fertilized it will implant and u will not have a period, likewise if it isn't fertilized then it will pass out and be followed a week or so later with your cycle beginning again.