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Q: If you put bleach on your hair and scalp will it kill lice?
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Why should i not use Clorox in hair to kill head lice?

Clorox is a bleach and will cause your scalp to burn possibly.

What does vinegar do to your scalp after it has killed all the lice in my hair?

First... vinegar does not kill lice. Use a proper lice shampoo.

Do lice eat hair?

They live off of the blood in your scalp!They get their nutrients by sucking (or absorbing) blood.

What do lice bugs feed on?

Lice live off the hair, the skin and blood from your scalp

Does blow drying the hair take away lice?

well i believe i might have lice my child came back from school with lice and im treating her with lice shampoo. but my hair is bleached and i have to treat my roots. now i cant go to the salon to get it done cuz its embarrassing so i will have my mother bleach my hair..anyway i will let you know if it does kill them..

What is the symbiosis for lice living on a scalp?

There really are no symbols that you have lice, but what you can do is look through your hair and if you find eggs then you probably have lice.

What are the effects of having lice in your hair?

Your scalp will itch and people will avoid you.

Will flat ironing your hair kill lice eggs?

Though there is scientific evidence to support that heat will kill head lice, the risk of possibly scalding the scalp with the flat iron is a risk. Lice lay their eggs very close to the scalp. Nits usually hatch by the time the hair has grown 1/4 inch. Here's a link to Dr. Richard Pollack's head lice site at Harvard with an answer to this question: chart shows all current FDA approved head lice medications:

What head lice mean?

Its when insects enter your scalp and start chewing your hair.

Does head and shoulders shampoo made with pyrithione zinc kill head lice?

Yes if used daily .leaving it for 10 min in your hair and then rinse the scalp

Which home ingredients you use to get rid of head in lice in less than i week?

you can use rubbing alcohol, olive oil, listerine, mayonaise. or if you want a faster remedy even try flat ironing your hair close to the scalp. this will kill lice eggs and live lice.. proven! ive done this myself.. kill them faster that way and try not to waste your time by just skimming the top layers.. try and go by parting the hair into sections and going as close to the scalp as possible.. the result is fried lice and a happy you! :)

Does lice shampoo kill the eggs?

I think this article helps. How to Use Head Lice Shampoo Wash your hair with regular shampoo first to clean the hair. Apply head lice shampoo to your hair and scalp. Massage the shampoo gently into your hair and scalp. Leave it on for the amount of time specified on the label. Rinse the shampoo out thoroughly. I took it from lifeskillx website.