

Best Answer

A W-2 shows how much you earned and how much federal and state taxes you paid. If you are asking if you will get a refund that depends on a lot of different variables. You can go to the and search for e-file, plug in your answers and you will find out if you owe or will be getting a refund.

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Q: If you receive a w-2 does that mean you get income tax?
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Related questions

What month do you do your tax returns and get your money?

You can file your income tax return as soon as you receive a W2 from your employer. W2 forms are usually sent out the last week of January. The IRS issues most refunds with 21 days.

How do you consent to receive your w2 electronically?

You can consent to receive your W2 electronically by visiting the offical IRS website. This website can also be used to learn more about income and business taxes, as well as to check the status of your tax return.

What is W2 income?

W2 income is pay that you have received from an employer who has taken taxes out during the year. You will receive a W2 at the end of the year so that you can complete your yearly taxes.

Do bounty hunters get a W2?

Bounty=Money (or barter, which means trading something). Money=Income. All "Income" in the US is taxable (with some very few exceptions). All taxable income earners receive a W2.

Will it effect you if you only file 1 w2 form?

You must file all W2 forms you receive for each job/employer you had during the year. The employer files these, and if IRS detects a discrepancy in income reported, you will get audited or have to pay the tax later with interest added on.

Deadline to receive W2 from employer?

For the 2009 tax year the deadline was January 28 2010.

What is the last day to send in income tax forms?

I have an amount of 800 -in my box 14 on my w2 is it taxable

Can you send in your income taxes without an attached W2?

Yes, you can still submit your income tax return without an attached W2; if you are unable to obtain a W2 form, include a note explaining that you couldn't get the form, but you were still able to calculate the relevant figures that would appear on the form if you had it.

Do you have to send in income tax forms and w2's if you efile?

The answer is NO. Unless specified by the IRS once its approved or rejected.

Where is the income tax withheld on the w2 statement?

Look at the Form. Box 2, Box 4, Box 6

Where is the total income tax on w2?

You total Federal Income Tax Withheld is in box 2 of the W-2 form. The amount of State and Local Income Taxes withheld are in another section at the bottom of the W-2 form.

What is w2 tax?

W2 is an Tax term of USA. where Employers will be paying the taxes of their Employees.