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The court can file a violation of probation and revoke your probation, then issue a warrant for your arrest. Most states will extradite you for a misdemeanor anywhere within that state, but maybe not in another state. Then again, they might extradite you from another state.

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13y ago

if you are on probation and get violated with a drug charge what is the jail time you are facing also you had a warrant for your arrest.

Added; You will probably be "violated" at the time you are arrested and charged. They're not going to let you stay out on probation if you can't keep yourself out of criminal situations.

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The person's probation will most likely be revoked and he or she will serve the remainder of the original sentence plus any accompanying penalties.

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Q: If you are on probation and get charged with a misdemeanor will you violate probation when you get charged or when you get convicted?
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How can you violate when your not on probation?

If you are referring stictly to a Violation of Probation charge (VOP) then you can't charged with a VOP if you're NOT on probation. However, you can "violate" any law at any time and be charged with the offense.

Can a probation officer violate your probation for getting a new charge before being convicted of it?

Yes he can

Can a person be on probation if they have not been convicted?

No. If they weren't convicted of something there would not be any need for them to be on probation. If someone is on probation it means that they are serving an alternative to incarceration..

Can you violate your federal probaton by committing a misdemeanor?

Absolutely. Committing ANY criminal offense is a violation of probation.

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Yes, if you are convicted felon currently on probation you are not to have any kind of contact with any other convicted felon.

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Insufficient info. Are you currently on MISDEMEANOR or FELONY probation? What is the nature of the two violations? Why don't you ask your PO?

Does a warrant for tickets violate probation?

Traffic tickets are, technically, misdemeanor offenses, and you mention plural tickets. Depending on the provisions of your porbation you could be in violation.

How many times can you violate probation before you go to jail to serve the remainder of your sentence in Indiana for a class A misdemeanor?

Depending on the violation you commit, as few as once.

Does NC extradite for misdemeanor charges?

To my knowledge there is no such thing as "Felony" or "Misdemeanor" probation violation. If you violate probation, you are in contempt of court, and have absconded from the imposition of a court ordered sentence, both of which can get you sent back to jail to serve your sentence for the conviction for which you were serving probation.

If someone is on supervised probation for a misdemeanor and leaves Colorado will they be extradited back to Colorado?

No one can answer this question. It depends on what the terms of YOUR probation read. SUPERVISED probation implies that you have to be available or check in periodically. Read the papers, or contact your probation officer. If you violate any requirements you will be VOP'd and probably a warrant issued for your arrest.

In Indiana what is the sentence for a probation violation?

Probation IS a sentence for being found guilty of an offense.It is at the judge's discretion that they issued a probation sentence rather than sending the convicted defendant to jail.If you violate the judge's trust they may choose to send you to jail to serve the reaminder of your sentence behind bars.

What is a sentence for the word probation?

Don't make me violate my probation!