

If you sneeze is it proper to say anything?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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Excuse me or Pardon me. Sometimes even, "May I please have a tissue/kleenex" (if necessary) after excuse or pardon me.

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Q: If you sneeze is it proper to say anything?
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Why is a sneeze called a sneeze?

Because when you sneeze the sound you make is "SNEEZE!" ^No, it really isn't. I've not heard one person say "SNEEZE" when they sneeze, ever in my life. I've heard people say "Achoo", "Atishoo" and other ones, but never "SNEEZE".

What do you say when you sneeze?

Bless you.

Can you say God bless you when you sneeze?

I do

In Dutch we say Gezondheid. This is best described as be healthy. What do American atheists say when someone sneezes?

As no American has responded, I'm Australian and I would probably be best described as agnostic or irreligious.I would either say bless you, out of habit or nothing at all.Sometimes, if the sneeze is funny, I might laugh.Sometimes, if the sneeze is loud, I might say "Woahhh!"Sometimes, if the sneeze is extra disgusting, I might say "eeeeew" and hand them a tissue.I don't see much need to say anything special. It's just a sneeze.Have a nice day! :)

What do people in Russia say when you sneeze?

they say haliio ling

Do you sneeze when you have a tissue?

Yes you do sneeze when you have a tissue so you can wipe your nose. If your asking directly to me sometimes i sneeze when i have a tissue. I don't think that's like a kind of health condition or anything.

Why do we say bless you after someone sneeze?

Because everytime u sneeze u lose a day of life\( ^.^ )/

How do you say bless you when you sneeze in Portuguese?

In Portuguese, you can say "saúde" which means health or "Deus te abençoe" which means God bless you in response to a sneeze.

How do you sneeze in a proper manner?

Cover your mouth and nose and turn away from anyone you are near. You don't want to sneeze on them! If you are surrounded by people move down and bend over so that your germs don't get out and spread to any unwanted people and get them sick. If you are very close to people who are surrounding you and you sneeze it is proper to plug your nose and cover it with your other hand (which after doing so wash your hands with warm water and soap) It is also proper to say,"Excuse me" or "Pardon me" and if necessary "May I please have a tissue . My nose is running" and if you keep sneezing it is only polite to say each time "Allergies" otherwise everyone will think you're "cookoo"

What Chinese people say after they sneeze?

they say Kai lon unga.

When you sneeze do you say achew or atissuew and do you say bless you as well?

You just say bless you.

Why did bud say that it's terrible to have brought up proper?

He can't do anything right