

If you starve yourself will your body becom saggy?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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actually starving yourself sometimes can make you gain weight because your body just stores its fat and basically feeds off it

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Q: If you starve yourself will your body becom saggy?
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How much weight will you lose if you starve for one month?

I doubt that you can starve yourself for a month as your body will not allow it. It all depends on how much you weigh now and how active you are.

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you really don't pass out. depending on your body functions you might but hardly.

How can you starve yourself and not get fat?

Well you shouldn't starve yourself in the first place. Because what happens is you starve yourself then your body gets used to that. So then when you try to eat your body doesn't take it in because it's used to you not eating. And then you can get very in healthy. But I recommend a diet that Is a no carb diet! It's very hard. But you can loose about 1lb a day! All you have to do is eat like no bread, not even wheat bread! No sugar! No rice! There is more but that is the concept. Hope this helped you. ;)

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because if they are too close too the body, the semen die

What are some negative effects that are associated with the weight-centered approach to body weight?

If you are focused on losing weight instead of being healthy, you might starve yourself of nutrients your body needs.

How many pounds will you lose in a week if you starve yourself and exercise?

If you starve yourself and exercise for a week, you could probably lose anywhere from 5 to 10 lbs. But, that will mostly be water weight and not the weight from fat that you are hoping to lose. When you starve yourself, your body goes in "starvation mode," meaning that everything you eat is stored directly as fat because the body conserves as much energy as possible to keep you alive because it thinks you are starving to death. Therefore, it would take you longer to lose that ten pounds of by fasting rather than eating healthy and exercising.

How do you reduce protein from your body?

It's a bad idea to reduce protein (that where you live), but if you want to try either starve yourself, of go to bed for 3 months.

What happeneds is you starve yourself Do you gain weight?

You will definitely not lose weight because you body will hold on to the fat and use only the minimum to be able to survive the longest.

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No. Gravity causes saggy balls. When you get older a man's body can no longer fight gravity as well as it could when he was younger. So the balls sag.

I know starving yourself is bad for me and I know the consequences. So please don't tell me them. I just want to know if I starve myself how long will it take before I see results in my weight loss?

Answer When you don't eat, your metabolism (the rate at which your body burns calories) slows down so your body ends up fighting itself. The way to lose weight is to eat healthy food in moderation and to exercise. You have to restrict your food intake to be a little less than what your body burns throughout the day. If you starve yourself your body will start taking muscle and will damage your vital internal organs and you will never be healthy. Do not starve yourself to lose weight. You will cause long term damage in the way your body burns calories, your skin, your heart, liver, etc.

How can you starve yourself without feeling hungry?

Until you're dead, or until you become a Tibetan Monk.

What happens to the body when you starve to death?

you die