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i have already started so in your face lol

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Q: If you stopped your pill early and got your period and still had a week left would your next period go by your actual period or by the time you were supose to get your period?
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Can you miss your period because you stopped your pill a week early?

No you cant its very unusaul to miss a period ok no need to ba alarmed

You stopped taking birth control in December your period came like clock work In January and February your period was early But march your period is late Is this normal?

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Can i be pregnant if my period started two weeks early?

Could be implantation bleeding. If it is your actual period then it's unlikely that you are pregnant.

Why are you spotting 5 days before your actual period?

This happens to me too. It just means that your period is early. Nothing more really.

Can you be pregnant if you normally have a period for 7 days and you only had it for 3 days this time?

Yes, you can be pregnant, your period stops after pregnancy, if you recently had sex and your period stopped early you probably are pregnant.

My period stopped early and starts the day after an itching stinging lump around my vjj what could it mean?

See your doctor

Period 2 weeks early stopped after one day spotting very tried and sick feeling?

most likely your are pregnant

What period did Ned Kelly come the early period or later period?

early period

I stopped taking the pill 3 days ago which was a week early so that I got my period a week early and its showed no signs of coming and can I now start taking it again as normal and not get a period?

Yes, I have done this myself many times! But use condoms to reduce risk of pregnancy!

What is the past perfect tense of stop in the sentence the storm stopped in early afternoon?

The past perfect tense of "stop" in the given sentence would be: "The storm had stopped in the early afternoon."

What period did ned kelly come from early or late period?

he came from the early period

Had weeks of early pregnancy signs then your period was 3 days late When your period arrived it was very light for me and stopped early am I pregnant?

you could be but most likely not. pregnancy symptoms are so common and sometimes mock pre menstrual symptoms (pms). you should get a positive result on a pregnancy test by now if you are.