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It will need to be bottle fed for awhile. As for behaviour, it may be just fine if you are lucky, or it will tend to look for comfort from you in place of its mother, kneading, nuzzling, wanting to sleep near you, or crying for its mother.

Not bad things, but some could become annoying habits if not handled thoughtfully. Biting and scratching can become a problem as the kitten grows up, which can be difficult to curb. You will be its teacher, so litter box training, eating solid food and such will need to be taught if need be.

If you already have an adult cat in the household, it is likely the kitten will learn most of what it needs to know from the older cat.

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Q: If you take a kitten away from its mother too early what will happen?
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if a kitten gets taken away from its mother seven days after its born the owner would have to get special milk

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Yes,The kitten needs milk from it's mother in order to have proper nutrition.

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You can wean at kitten at 8-10 weeks, but you can sell them at 15 weeks.

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It is normal behavior for a new mother cat. Keep away from the baby for now.

Can you let mother cat away from kitten?

Yes, but not for too long. But the mother might be pretty protective so make sure she's contained.

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yeah, they have each other's body heat

Did you hurt the mom cat by throwing away kitten placentas?

Not really. The mother cat will usually eat the kitten placentas and will, as a result, get back a small amount of the protein she has expended in creating the kittens. But there is nothing special about the placentas, and depriving the mother cat of them will not hurt her.

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What do you do when the mommy cat has ran away from her kittens?

You have to take over, feeding them and providing a home if they are homeless. The pleasure you and your family will get from watching them play together will be more than adequate payment for your care and concern.

Why do cats suck on clothes?

Often a kitten that suckles on its owner has been taken away from his Mum way too early. You need to curb this behaviour and perhaps provide something else to lure him away from the clothes, a big toy perhaps wtih a hot water bottle inside, mimicking the mother.

What happens if you steal a kitten that a mother is protecting?

well the mom gets angry and chases you and gives you rabbies on your index finger or face. Depending on how old the kitten is when taken from it's mother it could either live and thrive, or it may die. If it is old enough to be taught to take nourishment on it's own (10-14 weeks) it is very likely the kitten will live and grow into a healthy cat. If the kitten is not old enough to nourish itself, it is highly likely the kitten will die from malnutrition. Also, the one stealing the kitten may not get away without some painful claw marks from the mother.