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It's possible. Take 4-6 pills of niacin once every four days and you should be clean. To play it safe, go to GNC or any other nutrition/health store and buy a detox kit.

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Q: If you take niacin for four days and take a drug test on the seventh day will you still be clean?
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Will niacin clean you out in 3 days?

No, niacin will not clean drugs out of your system. At all.

How many days to clear marijuana with 1000 mg of niacins?

Niacin will not clean anything out of your system.

Can you use niaspan in place of niacin to pass a drug test?

Niacin is no substitute for being clean. A Niacin purge is effective but you must start several days prior to the known testing time. Niacin purges the system quicker than without using it, and in most cases the body is clean in 72 hours, but chronic meth users should not bank on that time frame without using a Niacin purge several days in advance.

I haven't done any drugs in about 2 weeks. I took 2500mg of niacin yesterday. Am i clean?

By definition, no. Give it up, give it 30 days, then you're clean.

How long until niacin cleans your system?

niacin is a B vitamin, used to "flush" your system of cholesterol and/or drugs. I do not know why you would want the actual niacin out of your system, rather than the unwanted substances. Check your food labels, they all have a daily dose of niacin in them. Your body naturally needs it. Unless you've overdosed on some medical attention! =) this answer is gae as f***!

Can niacin 500mg clean out your system in less then 24 hours?

No, first Niacin simply heat body from inside ,this helps if you try to burn fat, doesn't clean. Second doesn't work in the short period of time ,you need to take it for min 3-4 days and also need to stop with it at least 2 days before the test ,your body need some time to send out this restored (with the fats) drug metabolites. Also DO NOT over dose , check online for niacin negative effects.

How long do you have to take niacin to clear your system of THC?

Niacin does not clean drugs -- any drug -- from your system. This is a myth. See the Related Questions below for more information.

Is 1000mg of niacin a day for 7-10 days enough to clean your system?

Niacin will not clean drugs out of your system. This is a total myth. And most drugs are out of your system in 3 to 5 days (maybe a little over a week for extremely heavy, long-term users), so you will definitely be clean after 10 days time, anyway. The exception to this is marijuana, which stores itself in your fat cells. For daily smokers, marijuana stays in your system for 2 to 6 weeks, or a month on average. For people who smoke only a few times a week or less, the time frame would be shorter, more like 2 weeks to one month. See the Related Question below for more information.

How long does it take to flush you system with niacin?

No, Flush Free Niacin does not clean out your system. It is meant to assist with heart and cardiovascular wellness, circulation, and it contributes to energy metabolism.

Does niacin work to clean urine of Valium took 6 2mg for the first time an have a urine test in 10 days.i don't know if weight matters but im 120lbs?

Niacin will not work to clean urine of anything. But it doesn't matter in your case because one Valium tablet is going to be out of your system in three days no matter what you do, as long as you don't do any more Valium.

Will system be clean in 5 days with niacin pills?

No, Niacin ( vitamin B3 or nicotinic acid, is a water-soluble vitamin ) only works on rapid tests and will only cause the test to come up inconclusive, most jobs here will not accept them. And high doses can have life-threatening acute toxic reactions.

How many days in 3 and a seventh days?