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Better check with your parole officer. You may have to serve out the rest of your sentance.

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Q: If you turn yourself in on a warrant for violating probation what will the outcome be?
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I have an out of state warrant for violation of probation. Probation has expired can I fight from here.?

If you have an out of state warrant for probation vialation, you must present yourself in that state to have it takin care of.

Does a Tennessee violation of probation warrant end?

No. If you violated the terms of your sentence by violating it, you never satisfactorily completed your sentence.

Is a warrant issued for something different result in a probation violation?

Question is unclear - but - are you asking what will happen if you are on probation and commit another offense for which an arrest warrant is issued (???) - It most likely will result in your violating your probation for the original sentence and very probably mean that you could be remanded to jail for violation of parole (VOP).

What is a probation warrant?

A probation warrant is issued when a person violates the terms of their probation. The warrant is issued by the court and the person must appear to explain their actions to the judge.

Is a warrant issued for a probation violation a felony warrant?

If the offense you were found guilty of when you received your probation sentence was a felony, then your violation will be a felony warrant.

Can my daughter be violating her probation after being charged with another crime but found innocent in a jury trial?

My daughter was on probation for petty theft in riverside county, ca. Then she was at Disneyland with friends and family and was charged with another petty theft, it went to jury trial and she was proven innocent on both charges, for violating and the petty theft. Now when she called riverside courts to see about have her record expunged, because as far as she knew she should have been off probation. She then is told that she has a warrant for violating her probation. She also was never contacted about this in any way, we thought it was all over.

Can a probation officer lift a hold on you if you are in jail with new charges but not yet convicted?

If it is the probation officer's warrant then yes, but they probably will not. If it is the judge's warrant the probation officer cannot.

Does your probation officer have to tell you i have warrant before your next visit?

No. It is your probation officer's responsibilty to have you taken into custody on the warrant when you report. If your officer told you you have a warrant, then you may not report.

What the meaning of warrant vopretrial felony?

Violation of Probation Warrant

If you have a warrant when you finally get arrested do you have to get on probation?

Probation or jail, or jail and then probation, it depends upon the judge.

Will a probation violation result in a warrant issued?

Possibly. Your probation officer has all the power. If they feel you are a danger to the community they CAN violate your probation and if you fail to come in voluntarly, a warrant will be issued.

What is a vop warrant in Maryland?

Violation Of Probation