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First of all, why would you want mono? You get mono by exchanging bodily fluids, like saliva, with someone who has it. That could be kissing, it could be drinking from their bottle, etc.

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Q: If you want mono how can you get it fast without kissing someone?
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How much kissing do you have to do to get mono?

Mono is not caused by a great amount of kissing. All it takes is that you kiss someone who already has the virus.

What is kissing diseas?

It's called Mono. It is called the "kissing disease" because you can get it as easy as just kissing someone.

Can you get mono from being around someone with mono?

Yes, you can. Mononucleosis is commonly called the 'kissing disease', but you don't have to kiss someone in order to get it. It is like any other virus and can be transmitted through any contact with an infected person. You can even get it from someone not showing any symptoms who has had it before, because once you've had mono it stays in your body forever. It can reactivate in someone without any symptoms and be passed to others.

How do you get mono?

From direct physical contact with an infected person. It was called the kissing disease years ago. You can even get it by sharing a glass or a straw or utensils when eating and drinking. It is a viral infection, caused by Epstein-barr. It is commonly known as the kissing disease.You would get it through saliva.

Can you get anything from making out with someone?

if your thinking std none unless you both have a cutt in or around the mouth. but you can get mono or other airbourne diseases....but you can get that without kissing.

How do people get mono?


What is the Genus and species for Infectious mononucleosis?

Eptein-Barr virus

How is mono spread?

Only by sharing saliva with someone who has the virus and is contagious Sharing drink, food, kissing etc.

Can you sit in the same room with someone that has mono?

No all my friends and family were fine I had mono for 2 and a half months. Good thing to remember it's known as the kissing disease

How can you possibly get mononucleosis without kissing?

Mono is mainly transmitted by saliva so sharing a drink with an infected person has risks. Organ transplant patents get Mono also. If the organ came from someone that had been infected at one time then the virus is in the organ and the person receiving it can succumb to it.

What can you catch by kissing someone?

You can potentially catch infections such as cold sores, mononucleosis (mono), and the flu by kissing someone who is infected. Some sexually transmitted infections (STIs) can also be transmitted through kissing if there are open sores or lesions in the mouth. It's important to practice good oral hygiene and be cautious about kissing someone who is ill.

Can mono disease be spread by sexual?

Mononucleosis is usually spread by oral contact, such as kissing or using someone else's toothbrush. Most people who have sex are intimate enough to catch or spread mono.