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Helium gas is lighter than air and hence balloons filled with helium will float in air.

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Q: If you wanted to make a balloon float in the air which gas should you use to fill the balloon?
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Can you make a balloon that float in air?

Fill a balloon part way with helium, make an animal out of it and have it float.

What would happen if you were to fill a balloon with oxygen?

First, the balloon would float to the ground. After that, nothing special happens to the balloon because you filled it with oxygen.

What are the gases used to fill a balloon?

When you fill by blowing into it, it up it's nitrogen, oxygen, carbon dioxide, a bit of water vapor and trace amounts of other gases. . But to make it float you fill it with helium.

How does a hot air balloon go in the air?

Well it has a gas fueled flame and the flames heat makes the balloon part fill up with hot air. Hot air rises so the hot air balloon will float into the sky like a helium balloon would.

Why do hot air balloons float in the ar?

As the air in the balloon is heated, it expands and becomes less dense, or that is, becomes lighter. This then provides lift to the balloon and the basket. The reason the air in the balloon expands, is because as it is heated, the molecules of air move faster and spread out to fill the entire volume of the balloon.

What happens to a balloon when you fill it with air?

It will fill the balloon and make a oval sphere.

Can anyone suggest a test for hydrogen gas other than burning splint?

Fill a balloon with the gas and see if it is lighter than air (only Helium and Hydrogen will make a balloon float...) Calculate the density of the gas (mass/volume)

When you insert a balloon into a bottle and you pump air into the balloon why the balloon will not fill up the bottle?

Balloon will not fill up the full bottle in this experiment as the air is restricted by the walls of the balloon. Balloon is a solid so the air will take its shape.

Which gas is used to fill balloons?

Helium is normally used in balloons that float. Helium is the second lightest gas. Hydrogen is lighter, but it is also flammable and thus dangerous.When normal air is used to fill a balloon, the balloon will not be buoyant.If you fill a balloon with air from your lungs, there is a bit more water vapor and a bit more carbon dioxide and a bit less oxygen in the air inside the balloon, but that has a small impact on the buoyancy.The larger balloons that carry people are called hot air balloons because they are filled with hot air. They are buoyant because the hot air is fractionally lighter than normal air but there is a lot of it.Weather balloons and party balloons both use helium gas.As long as the gas plus the balloon is lighter than the air it displaces, the balloon will float in the air.Helium is normally used in balloons that float. Helium is the second lightest gas. Hydrogen is lighter, but it is also flammable and thus dangerous.When normal air is used to fill a balloon, the balloon will not be buoyant.If you fill a balloon with air from your lungs, there is a bit more water vapor and a bit more carbon dioxide and a bit less oxygen in the air inside the balloon, but that has a small impact on the buoyancy.The larger balloons that carry people are called hot air balloons because they are filled with hot air. They are buoyant because the hot air is fractionally lighter than normal air but there is a lot of it.Weather balloons and party balloons both use helium gas.As long as the gas plus the balloon is lighter than the air it displaces, the balloon will float in the air.Helium, warm air

What is something you can fill a balloon with?

You can fill balloons with gasses or liquids. Lighter-than-air gasses such as helium are the best if you want the balloon to float upwards. Ordinary air is no use as it is denser than the surrounding air, making the balloon too heavy to float upwards (it will float downwards). However, hot air is less dense than cold air and therefore lighter than air.All liquids are far too heavy to float, but water balloons are generally intended to be thrown, typically at people. Water balloons are typically made of thinner rubber than air balloons thus when the balloon strikes the person, the balloon's envelope bursts, soaking the person. Water balloons also have more practical uses, such as in Foley catheters. Here, the catheter is inserted into the bladder through the urinal tract, where a balloon is inflated with sterile water to prevent the catheter from falling back out of the bladder. A valve on the end of the catheter allows the balloon to be inflated or deflated for removal.Two things are water or helium.

How do you fill up the balloon on mission 8 on club penguin?

You fill up the balloon by asking G for the super helium.

How much water would it take to fill a balloon?

It depends on the size of the balloon. If it's a small balloon, about a half gallon will due. If it's a larger balloon, about a gallon or so. Now, if it's a very small weak balloon, about 1/2 quarter gallon should do it.