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Q: If you wanted to trace the creation of tectonic plates using magnetic bands of normal and reversed polarity your best place to measure the magnetic stripes would be?
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Related questions

What evidence was discovered in the 1960's that supports plate tectonic theory?

Alternating bands of magnetic polarity as you move away from the mid-Atlantic ridge.

Why did magnetic lines on the ocean floor puzzle scientists?

What two types of crust are included in a tectonic plate

How can scientist tell that earth's magnetic field sometimes reverses direction?

You don't have to be a scientist to observe that fact. All you have to do is take any magnet and hang it up on a thread, so it's free to rotate and point wherever it wants to point. When you do that, you find that every magnet that's free to turn always turns to point at the same place ... a spot in far northern Canada. When you do this experiment with thousands of magnets in thousands of places all over the earth, and keep records of the direction that magnets point in various places, it all goes together to give a beautiful diagram of the earth's magnetic field. People who do a lot of traveling over long distances have used this fact for thousands of years to build a device that helps them find their way around the surface of the earth. The device is called the 'magnetic compass'.

What is leads to the creation of island arcs?

They are the result of the subduction processes related to plate tectonic movements, specifically they mostly form where one oceanic tectonic plate subducts another one.

What happens at mid ocen ridges?

Creation of new ocean floor/oceanic lithosphere, at the boundary of diverging tectonic plate.

How might geologic events such as the movement of tectonic plates affect the environment where species live?

Movement of tectonic plates can cause seafloor spreading and reversal of Earth's magnetic field, which can affect the organisms that are not adapted to the geological enviroment.

What often leads to the creation of metamorphic rock?

Heat and pressure are responsible for the formation of metamorphic rock.

The magnetic particles in seafloor ridges are aligned differently in a repeating pattern How does this provide evidence for tectonic movement Why does it provide evidence?

Earth's magnetic field reverses over time; the changes show that seafloor has taken place over time.

What is powered by from energy from earths interior?


Does the earth's magnetic shield cause the land masses to drift apart?

No. Earth has tectonic plates that slowly move and create earthquakes by rubbing against each other.

What is the difference between a tectonic hazard and a tectonic event?

a tectonic hazard is a disaster caused by the moving of tectonic plates.....anda tectonic activity is the moving of tectonic plates........

How do magnetic bands provide evidence that tectonic plates are moving apart at mid-oceanic ridges?

Through seafloor-spreading as iron rich minerals cool they become magnetized in the direction parallel to the existing magnetic field. As the magnetic fields change direction so will the magnetized minerals, allowing scientists to record each change in the seafloor as it spreads.