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You can burn anywhere betwee 300 - 950, depending on what stroke you're doing and how vigorously you're swimming.

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Q: If you weight 185 how many calories will you burn swimming for 1 hour?
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You can burn as many as 100 calories per hour just swimming casually in salt water. You can burn up to 500 calories per hour if you're swimming vigorously.

How many calories are burned swimming for 1 hour 100pounds?

How many calories are burned when swimming depends on the person's weight and the size of the pool. For a person who weighs 150 pounds in a pool that is 25 yards in length they will burn 414 calories for an hour of doing a front crawl.

How many calories does a 100 pound person burn when swimming breststroke for an hour?

150 Calories.

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A 150 pound woman on average will burn 400+ calories per hour on average.

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depends on your weight

If you weigh 72 pounds and you are 5'8 how many calories would you burn swimming per hour?

u burn 709 cals when u do 2 hours of swimming

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I did swimming 2 days a week for about 2 hour per day. This helped a lot!

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When I was this weight I used to burn about 600 calories an hour, This is of course dependant on how hard you work. Technically the hifger the level and the faster you go,m the more calories you will burn. I was doing level 6 at 50-60rpm and was burning 600 calories per hour. Hope that helps

How many calories burned swimming 2700 meters?

To tell how many calories you would burn you would have to know how hard you are going to swim it. If you are just floating around and gliding, you wouldn't burn many calories. If you were swimming hard (continuously, flip turns included) you would be burning more.

How many calories does kayaking burn per hour?

It depends on weight, height and age but on average you loose around 600 calories per hour of canoeing

What exercise losses body fat the most?

Swimming definitely you lose 6 calories in 1 minute, so if you swim for 1 hour, you burn about 360 calories.