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Weight is not calculated by age, its calculated by height.

While the above is generally the case, unless there is some overwhelming medical reason, 200 lbs would be considered clinically obese for a 10 year old.

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Q: If you were 200 pounds at age 10 would you be fat?
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No matter what age you are, or what gender, if you are over 200 pounds then you have a serious health problem.That is very fat. I'm sorry is that your weight. I am 12, 4'11 and weigh 80 pounds. Grant it, I am very light and fit my age, but still.

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No, way! If you are 54, and you are 94 pounds!!!! No, most men that age are about 170-200 pounds, and most women are about 130-200.... So no, if you are 54 years old and 94 pounds, you might be considered under weight.... -hope i helped!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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um.. no!!!!! ewww gross they must be fat because most boys that are 12 are like 90 pounds!!!! :) srry if your 200 pounds and 12 put that's just weird!!!..............gross.................. i would tell the person to LOSE WEIGHT!!!!!!

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Depends on your age. Usually, no.

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300 pounds or over --- It depends on your height. normally if your over 200 pounds your on the edge but im 5,7 and 131

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a healthy require ment is at laest 200 pounds or not even because there would be more muscle than fat.

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no it isn't its normal

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Depending on her age, ask a doctor.

You are 5'11''200 pounds are you fat?

No you're not fat at all.The average 5'11 male weighs 180,so you might be a little above average.