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Q: If you were pushing very hard against a brick wall would you be doing work?
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Which would weigh more a brick made of iron or the same size brick made of lead?

Lead brick

Where does sound travel faster wood or brick?

You mean which one does it travel faster in? It would be a brick because of how tightly packed the molecules in the brick are together. Wood, which is a lot more fragile that brick, does not allow sound to travel through it as fast.

Suppose you push a cart toward the west in what direction does the force of friction push on the carts wheels?

Friction pushes against the direction of movement, so it would be pushing East.

When you push on something why do your fingers bend backwards?

The force you exert with your arm isn't enough for move the object you are pushing against so something has to give and absorb the energy, which is your finger bending (just as a metal pipe would bend or a piece of wood would break). Now the reason your finger bends is because it is at an angle to the object you are pushing against If you take you hand and put you finger pressing straight down against the table, you finger will not bend. Now the tip of it might start to her from absorbing all that force, however, you will eventually not be able to apply any more force with your arm.

How many bricks would it take to weigh 10 pounds?

Well it doesn't weigh 10 lbs! Ordinarily, a brick would be considered incompressible, and that is still probable in 5000 ft of water. And assuming that it had no entrained air! BUT, water at 5000 ft is compressible (for which you'll have to look up an hydrology table) and the volume of water displaced by the brick will now weigh more than that volume would have had at the surface. And as soon as you have immersed your brick, it will weigh less than it previously did, by the weight of water it displaced. remember Archimedes? SO your brick would now be slightly more buoyant (weigh less) than it did close to the surface. In an exam answer, one would usually say 'assuming the brick is incompressible', and 'assume the brick is impermeable'. Of course you could also 'assume that water is incompressible', and eliminate the hydrology tables! Then proceed with the answer.

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Say a 14 year old girl was at a construction site and she was asked to move something like a 10,000 pound brick( one brick). She would be acting on it as the unbalanced force but they would still not change their position. so to say the girl would be doing everything she could to move that brick but the brick would still be in that same spot so the unbalanced force (the girl) would be acting on the thing that was at rest but it wouldn't move. so the unbalanced force would not really be acting on the thing at rest; even though the unbalanced force was doing something to the brick. ( just think about it and you will eventually get it...just imagine in your head...)

Which Pink Floyd song is a commentary against the English boarding school system?

Just another brick in The Wall...

When airplane is moving in circular motion in the sky which force act as necessary centripetal force?

That would be the air pushing against the airplane's wings.

What has more matter a fluffy cushion or brick?

it would be the brick because the brick has more matter because it weighs more.

Will Wii Freeloader Brick your Wii?

if it would brick you wii, nobody sell it i think it will not brick your wii

Which is heavier a house brick or a car battery?

A brick would be lighter.

Why would the forward gears be rough in a manual?

You are pushing against the rotation of the transmission when going into the upper gears. When you pull with it in the lower gears, then it is smooth and jumps into place. Or that's what i would think.

Suposse a brick weights 8 kgs more than half of the brick how much does the brick weight?

Each full brick would weigh 16kg.

What are the chemical and physical properties of a brick?

It means that you have to name the physical appearance of a brick, so it would be that the brick is brown and etc,.

What stores sell brick veneer?

We would like to put faux brick on one of our walls. Where can I purchase brick veneer?

How much does a brick cost?

a brick costs about $1.50 per brick so a wall of 5 bricks would be $7.50.