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A brick would be lighter.

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Q: Which is heavier a house brick or a car battery?
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Is it safe to store a car battery in house?


Can your power a house off a big big car battery?

I think it is very possable if you have a big a nuf car battery. The type of battery you would need is a rechargeable car battery. But what do i know i am just a grade 8 kid whos answering his on question.

Will the car radio drain a battery?

Yes the car radio will drain the life out of a battery. The way it works is the battery acts like a plug-in that is in your house, and everything is hooked to it so after a while of using it all the power is draned from the batery and it is dead.

How do you fix your RC car my tires spin in the air but when it touches the ground they stop?

Sometimes that happens when the battery is low, try recharging it and the trying it on a flat ground (not brick)

Should a car battery be charged on wood?

It does not matter what the battery is sitting on. Concrete, wood, brick, dirt, etc. Makes no difference at all. It is not true that sitting a battery on concrete will drain it. Where does the battery sit in your car? It sits on a steel surface that is grounded. So charge it anywhere you want. Just remember that battery chargers have been know to catch on fire, so place the charger in a location where if that happens no damage will be done.

What is said to be as solid as a rock?

* A house * A car * A brick * An individual's muscularity * A constructed object * Various species of wood * Dried earth material

Does a car battery have mercury in it?

No, a car battery does not have mercury in it. It would be very dangerous to have mercury in a car battery.

What are two differences between a car battery and a flashlight battery?

there are lots more amps in a car battery eg there about 1.5 in a flash light and in a car battery there about 300 A car battery is a wet cell battery and a flashlight battery is a dry cell battery.

Does the car have to be heavier to move faster?


Is the element mercury in a car battery?

No merc is not in a car battery

What do you do if your car battery dies?

You can get a new battery, you can jump start the car with jumper cables and another car with a charged battery. You can also put a battery charger on your battery to give it a charge.

Can a car battery light a bulb?

Most car batteries are 12 volts. They can light 12 volt bulbs. The bulbs in your house are likely 120 volt bulbs. A car battery will not light those without some very special equipment, or unless you were to wire ten car batteries in series.