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They would be equal .Because of the conservation of matter no mass can be destroyed or created

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Q: If you were to compare the mass of the products and reactants in a reaction what would you find?
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In a chemical reaction how does the total mass of the reactants compare to the total mass of the products?

The mass of the reactants compare to the mass of the products in that they are equal. The law to conservation of mass states that mass cannot be createdor destroyed. It can only be altered which would be a case in a chemical reaction.

What are the reactants and products of the forward reaction?

The reactants are on the left side of the equation, and the products are on the right side of the equation. The reactants are used up in a chemical reaction, and the products are the substances made by the reaction.

Why are reactants important in a chemical reaction?

Reactants are added into the equation to form the chemical reaction. Reactants are substances that are changed into products. Without these reactants, there would be no formula, resulting in no product.

What is a type of chemical reaction where the energy of the products is less than the energy of the reactants?

When a reaction has products that have a lower temperature than the reactants did, the reaction is endothermic.

What is the best term to describe a chemical reaction in which the reactants have less potential energy than the products?

A chemical reaction whose reactants have less potential energy than the products would be called an endothermic reaction.

Are reactants listed on the left or right of a chemical equation?

This statement would be...false.The reactants are located on the left, and the products are located on the right.This is desmond thaxs so much it helped =)

What does the percent yield of a reaction measure?

It measures the amount of reactants actually produced in a reaction compared to the amount that would theoretically be produced if 100% of the reactants were converted to products according to the stoichiometry of the reaction. It is found by: actual moles of products ÷ predicted moles of products * 100%

How does reactants and products differ?

The reactants are basically what you put in (not including catalysts which are not part of the reaction, only make it more efficient). The products are what is produced at the end of that reaction.

What would cause entropy to decrease in a reaction?

The products becoming more ordered than the reactants

What would happen to the amount of products if you increase the amount of one of the reactants?

Unless the reaction is not using up all of the reactants, adding more of just one cannot increase the amount of the products.

Where would you find products and reactants in a chemical formula?

The reactants are the elements or compounds that are reacting with one another. And the products are what is produced from the reaction. For example, MgO + H20 -> Mg(OH)2. MgO and H2O are the reactants. Mg(OH)2 is the product.

Which would prevent a system from forming a dynamic equilibrium?

The products and reactants don't remain in contact throughout the reaction.