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i would be mute..if that's an option

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Q: If you were to lose one of you sight touch smell which would it be?
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What is the second sense you lose during the dying process?

(p) touch > sight > hearing > taste> smell > telekinesis

Is the sense ot touch the most important of the 5 senses?

sight Consider this : If you had a choice of which four senses you would lose, or which sense would you not wish to lose most of all, the answer becomes clear.

How do you get an old cat's attention?

If they lose hearing, they rely on sight. If they lose sight, they rely on hearing. If they lose both, you need to be their eyes and ears. Old cats still love catnip and special treats--unless they lose their sense of smell, too.

What sense would you least like to lose?

That is a very hard question. In a way, each sense is important, especially in dangerous situations. Sight - So you can a tiger chasing you etc. Smell - So you can smell smoke/gas If you left a cooker on etc. Hear - so you can hear a gun being fired far away etc. touch - So you can feel that something is dangerous Probably taste would be the one you wanted to lose. Although you wouldn't be able to enjoy food. :'[

Is it possible to get your sight back if you lose it?

you lose sight

What happens when you lose one of your senses?

You are no longer able to use the sense you lost. i.e sight, smell, taste, hearing ect.

What would happen if you touched a zero on the pH scale?

if you touch it then you will lose touch .

Do smencils lose their smell?

yes. if they are not in their cases for too long, they lose their smell.

How did Elton John lose his sight?

He did not lose his sight; his eyesight is poor, and he just likes to wear prescription sunglasses.

Can a ferret lose its sense of smell?

A ferret could possibly lose their sense of smell from an illness.

What is the first sense you lose before dying?

first you will lose your sight

What would happen if you damaged cranial nerve one?

Damaging cranial nerve one, the olfactory nerve, can result in a loss of the sense of smell (anosmia). This can impact your ability to detect odors, which may affect your ability to taste food as well.