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You would have more potential energy at the top because your potential energy is directly proportional to the height. Potential energy is equal to mass(kg) x height(m) x gravitational pull(10m/s), and is measures in Joules(J).

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You would have more potential energy at the top of the stairs because your potential energy is dependent on your height relative to the ground. As you descend the stairs and move closer to the ground, your potential energy decreases.

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Q: If you were to walk down stairs would you have more potential energy at the top or at the bottom?
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The cart would have a combination of potential energy (due to its height above ground) and kinetic energy (due to its motion). At the bottom of the ramp, the potential energy would have been converted to kinetic energy as the cart accelerates.

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Yes, it does. Kinetic energy is energy in motion. If you have a waterfall, the energy within it is constantly being moved. If it were perhaps a waterfall that was frozen over, then it would not have kinetic energy; it would have potential energy. Relative to the pool at the bottom, the water at the top has potential energy until it reaches the edge. After it spills over, each kilogram of water loses 9.8 joules of potential energy and gains 9.8 joules of kinetic energy for every meter it falls. When it reaches the bottom, all of the potential energy it had at the top has been converted to kinetic energy.

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The law of conservation of energy states that energy cannot be created or destroyed, only transferred or transformed. This means that the total energy of a system remains constant. So, at the top and bottom of a system, the total energy would be the same, with potential energy at the top transforming into kinetic energy at the bottom.

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The kinetic forces would be highest at the bottom of the hill where the speed of the object is the greatest as it descends due to the conversion of potential energy into kinetic energy.

Can kinetic energy ever be more than its potential energy?

Yes, kinetic energy can be more than potential energy. For example, in an object falling freely under gravity, the kinetic energy at the bottom of the fall can be greater than the potential energy at the top due to the object's speed.

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Execute a swan dive would be kinetic energy or potential energy?

Potential energy

Would a falling walnut have potential energy?

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Is the energy that a body in movement possess?

Yes, the energy that a body in movement possesses is called kinetic energy. Kinetic energy is the energy of motion and is directly proportional to the mass of the object and the square of its velocity.

What type of energy does a glass on a table have?

The glass has potential energy due to its position on the table. If it were to fall, this potential energy would be converted into kinetic energy.