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it is kinetic because it involves releasing the energy.

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A falling ball has kinetic energy. Why anyone would say it is potential indicates they have no idea what the difference is.

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Q: Is a falling ball potential or kinetic energy?
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What is the energy in an object about to fall?

the energy in an object about to fall is potential energy then kinetic energy because when the object is not falling, it has potential energy but when it's actually falling, it has kinetic energy.

What is the two forms of energy?

Kinetic energy (energy of motion) and potential energy (stored energy) A ball at the top of a building getting ready to be dropped has potential energy, but a ball falling has kinetic energy If the ball is at the top of the building, it has 100% potential and 0% kinetic and when it is halfway from top to bottom and falling it has 50% of each

What is the two main forms of energy?

Kinetic energy (energy of motion) and potential energy (stored energy) A ball at the top of a building getting ready to be dropped has potential energy, but a ball falling has kinetic energy If the ball is at the top of the building, it has 100% potential and 0% kinetic and when it is halfway from top to bottom and falling it has 50% of each

Example of kinetic energy?

Anything that had potential energy then converted to kinetic energy. A good example would a ball. If you are playing bowling and you are swinging the ball backwards and about to through it foward, the ball has potential energy. Once you release it, and while the ball is falling it has kinetic energy. The energy of the changes from potential to kinetic energy. Hope this helps XD

Where is the maximum and minimum kinetic and potential energy found as a ball drops?

A ball at rest contains only potential energy. A ball in motion contains almost all kinetic energy. But it gets tricky here. A free falling ball that has not yet reached terminal velocity has no potential energy. That energy is being given up to kinetic energy. Once the ball reaches terminal velocity in Earth's atmosphere, air resistance holds back further conversion of potential energy to kinetic.

A girl throws a ball 15 m into the air the ball has the maximum potential energy at a height of?

The ball has the highest potential energy at its maximum height (15m in the air). At the beginning, the ball has only kinetic energy and no potential energy. But as the ball travels upward, kinetic energy is converted into potential energy. When the ball changes direction, there is no kinetic energy, as all of it is now potential energy. As the ball returns back down, potential energy is converted back into kinetic energy.

A soccer player kicks a ball into the air and it lands far down the field Which energy conversion occurs as the ball falls from its highest point?

When a soccer player kicks a ball into the air, its kinetic energy is drained through air resistance and by the force of gravity. At its highest point, the ball has all of its vertical kinetic energy converted into potential energy. As the ball falls, this potential energy is converted back into kinetic energy. It should be noted that through the entire process of rising and falling the ball maintained horizontal kinetic energy being dissipated by resistance until it hit the ground and stopped.

When a ball is falling what is the energy change?

As a ball fall downwards, it's velocity continuously increases, therefore the kinetic energy increases. As the height from the ground level decreases, the potential energy decreases. Further, the total mechanical energy remains constant throughout the motion.

Describe the conversions between potential and kinetic energy that occur when you shoot a basketball in a basket?

When the ball is positioned in your hands it has full potential energy. As you move and the ball is thrown at the basket, the potential energy is converted to kinetic energy, by the transfer of kinetic energy from your arms, to your hands, to the ball. When the ball hits the basket some of its kinetic energy was converted into potential energy and then back into kinetic energy as it hit the ground.

How does kenetic and potential energy affect soccer in general?

In soccer, you have a soccer ball. The ball has potential energy. When you kick the ball, the potential becomes kinetic energy and the ball moves. However, your foot has potential energy as well (all matter has potential energy because all matter has the potential to move). When you kick with your foot that potential energy becomes kinetic energy. When the soccer ball is on the ground it actually has no potential energy because potential energy is only associated with height. When the ball is kicked however the kinetic energy from the player is passed on to the ball. That kinetic energy makes the ball move. If the ball is kicked into the air then the kinetic energy is passed on and some of that kinetic energy transforms into potential energy and kinetic.

What will happen to the potential and kinetic energy as the ball falls?

Gravitational potential energy increases; kinetic energy increases.

Can an object have no either potential energy and kinetic energy?

Yes. Potential energy is energy that has not yet been released. Kinetic energy is energy or an object already in motion.Think of a ball 1 mile up in the air that begins to fall. After it has fallen 10 feet, releasing some, but not all of its potential energy, it has built up some kenetic energy as well from the motion of falling 10 feet, but still has 5270 feet worth of potential energy to go. What happens as the ball falls is that it gradually changes all of its potential energy into kinetic