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it depends how old you are. if your say.... 35, then yes. you are. but if you are like three, you are very smart.

Note: Above answer is incorrect ( please research instead of pretending you know what you're talking about people ), I.Q tests are geared to give a result of 100 for average for every age group, if you're 0-5 you take one test, 6-9 you take another and 10-15 then adult another. The tests get progressively more difficult, so it balances it at 100. I took a I.Q test recently and got 84, sucks for me... And technically that makes me below the normal average, so it depends on your perspective but yeah, you could say it means you're dumb.

It also depends on whether a person has another problem such as Attention problems causing the IQ to run low. If you really want an accurate reading you need to see a Neuropsychologist. They do very accurate testing on the brain. I wouldn't trust say IQ tests online. An IQ of 84 doesn't necessarily mean you are dumb. It could mean that you have other issues in the brain causing your IQ to be low. An example is: If you have attention problems and can't stay focused, your brain won't make connections..

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1w ago

No, having an IQ of 84 does not mean you are dumb. IQ is just one measure of intelligence and does not reflect a person's overall abilities or worth. It's important to remember that intelligence comes in many forms and everyone has their own strengths and weaknesses.

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