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You are doing it. You are in the process of waking up.

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Q: If your boyfriend and you both love each other and have been together for going on 8 months but you find yourself doing everything for him and he NEVER does anything for you what should you do?
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Be yourself everything happens for a reason

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Be yourself and crack some jokes or anything that will make her laugh.

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If he s ignoring you, it's time to move on and find yourself other boyfriend.

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No way! it is fine. sometimes you need to have time for yourself. if your boyfriend has something wrong with that then explain to him that you need your space

Why do people make fun of who my boyfriend is?

Well, you can ask your friends or ask yourself. Is there anything unusual about him ? Looks , behavior, etc.?

Why do you not do anything right?

You can do everything right you just have to believe in yourself and make the right decisions. YOU ARE AWESOME! Bye.

What if your in a wheelchair how do you get a boyfriend?

Be yourself :)Improvement; I am 20 years old. I am in a wheelchair. I had my first boyfriend when I was 14. I had my daughter when I was 17. My present Partner and I have been together for almost two years now.

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Your bulimic.

You are bi sexual and you have a bi sexual boyfriend but you dont know how do you kiss him?

how would you like to be kissed? just be yourself. you will figure it out together.

Why does your boyfriend put everything before you?

It sounds like he takes you for granted. Don't make yourself available for a week or two and see if his attitude changes.