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Hello there. Yes it could be too soon to test hun. Or you may not be releasing enough HCG into your urine. This sometimes happens and when it does happen, it takes a longer to get a positive on a HPT. This happened to me and I didn't know whether I was pregnant or not.I would say wait a week and do another HPT. Try testing with a few different brands of HPT incase one will give you a positive. If you do get a positive, no matter how faint, YOU MUST see your doctor for confirmation. Good luck. Please recommend me if I've helped you.

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18y ago
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18y ago

yes providing you have not had a period. You can buy fertility thermometers which are sensitive enough to pick up the small rise in temperature when you ovulate. In Europe there is a device available called Persona which is marketed for contraception by telling you when you are fertile so you can avoid those times. However if you are trying for a baby you can turn it round and have intercourse when the device tells you you are fertile. I found this website which tells you about it in the US However the article is from 2001 so things may have moved on since then. If you are very irregular your first step should be to go to the doctor and check that you are producing enough hormones for ovulation, as all the other things won't work if you are not. good luck

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14y ago

yes, you still could be pregnant, wait a week and try a HPT again. Good luck.

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13y ago

Probably not. Make an appointment to visit your doctor to make certain that you are actually pregnant.

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12y ago

yes it could be a bad pregnancy test to makesure ur still preg go to the obgyn

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Q: Can you be 4 to 5 months pregnant and fail a home pregnants test?
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Oh yes! Tests are only about 85% accurate. And some conditions might cause the test to fail more often.

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Four weeks in a month. Thirty-two divided by four is eight. If you are 32 weeks pregnant, you are 8 months along. Another way to look at it is the human gestation is 40 weeks. Forty minus 32 is 8 (two months--40 calendar weeks is a day or so less 10 calendar months, a calendar month is an average 30 days). You're in the home stretch.

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If you have missed your period for two months, you are probably pregnant. You could take a home pregnancy test, but you should see a doctor and if you think you could have an STD, you should see a doctor immediately anyhow.

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