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The State will not take your brother's lottery winnings, or the personal property he gives you from those winnings

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Q: If your brother wins the lottery and buys you things can the child support order order you to sell it or give it up?
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If your brother wins the lottery and buy you things can they take it if you are paying child support?

The State will not take your brother's lottery winnings, or the personal property he gives you from those winnings.

If your brother wins the lottery and buys you expensive things can the child support office do anything about it?

The State will not take your brother's lottery winnings, or the personal property he gives you from those winnings.

If your brother wins the lottery and buys everything for you can the child support office make you give your things up?

The State will not take your brother's lottery winnings, or the personal property he gives you from those winnings.

Will your child surpport go up if you win the lottery?

If you won the lottery, you have a higher amount of earnings, which could make your child support increase, if the caregiver of the child/children wanted to raise it.

If you hit the lottery will your child support go up?

winning the lottery might have implications for child support depending on your jurisdiction and the specific circumstances. In some cases, a significant increase in income, such as a lottery win, could be considered when determining child support obligations. However, the exact impact can vary, and it's crucial to consult with a legal professional to understand how winning the lottery might affect your specific situation. Legal regulations regarding child support can differ, so seeking advice tailored to your circumstances is advisable.

How much child support do you have to pay if you win the lottery in Kentucky?

If there is a significant change in your income from any source, your child support payments will likely go up. Also, the State will probably intercept the lottery payment for any past-due support.

How are lottery winnings figured with regard to child support?

If it's a lot (say, $1M+), it might increase one's support. If there's unpaid support, the State will probably seize the winnings.

Can your child support be reduced if you have visitation rights?

child support and visitation rights are two totally different things. The answer is no.

What penalty's for not paying child support in New York state?

The penalty for not paying child support is very great. It ranges from driver's license suspension, to passport denial. Other penalties are income execution and lottery winnings interception.

You don't want your ex-husband to have to pay child support how can that happen?

go to the courthouse and tell them that you want him to stop paying child support, my dad doesnt pay for my brother...

If you owe child support that is in arrears and you will the Illinois lottery how much do you have to give your ex-wife?

As much as it takes to pay it off, plus annual interest.

Two different child support orders how can you survive?

You must tell the judge and make things clear that it is beyond your means to support two different child support.