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Q: If your dog was bitten by a praying mantis should you worry about infection?
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What should you do for a pregnant praying mantis?

take it to the hospital Seriously, Just let her be and treat her like all other praying mantis's.

Does the praying mantis fear hornets?

No. A praying mantis will try to eat anything that is smaller than or the same size as it if it does not eat it first. They are pretty fearless when it comes to other bugs, and if anything, the hornet should fear the mantis.

Can leopard geckos eat pray mantis?

Hello! I would not feed a Praying Mantis to a Crested Lizard, because Mantis' have spikes on their claws, which wont kill the Crested, but could very easily harm him.

Can you keep ladybugs and praying mantis egg in same cage?

No, each praying mantis needs their own living space and should not be kept in the same cage as another. If two or more are put together they will start to feed on one another.

Can a praying mantis eat raw meat?

Well... Many people would say no, that you should feed a praying mantis live insects (Which are usually quite cheap from most pet shops) but I think it is okay. I had a pet praying mantis that I fed raw meat and he seemed to be fine and lived 6 months like an ordinary praying mantis. So if you want to be safe, I suggest feeding it crickets or mealworms. (But only to an adult mantis, don't feed nymphs crickets or mealworms)

You saw a praying mantis two different times and locations in one week what does that symbolize?

Not all naturally occurring phenomenon can or should be interpreted as omens. Praying mantis is not a spirit guide, nor does it have "significance" as a symbol. I am in clined to think you have just been a little more observant on your outings. You should also note that the praying mantis is one of the "natural" insect control methods that environmentally conscientious gardens are using these days, possibly putting more of them in areas where you might observe them.

Does a praying mantis eat bees?

You probably won't believe this but here we go! Eailer today I found a mantis walking across my drive way. I picked him/her ( don't know the sex type) and brought it inside to show to friends. My buddy looked around to give the creature a meal. Instead he comes back with honey from the cabinet. Put a drop of honey on a joker from the deck of cards and the mantis started eatting it! Don't know if its good or bad for them.

Can a praying mantis eat vegetation?

I believe so, it eats leaves and other mantises -Probably not, considering it's a CARNIVOROUS bug, and only females eat other males after reproduction for a boost in health. The amount of stupidity about these bugs astounds me.

Why do praying mantises eyes turn black when they eat?

Actually, the reason why a Praying Mantids eye turns black is because it is in need of water, spraying their cage with some water should help, just dont spray directly on the mantis!

What should you keep your praying mantis in?

what you need for a pet mantis is a tank the size of the tank depends on how large your mantis is. you will need a mister bottle mist your mantis every day. they need lots of sticks and leaves in their tank. baby mantis eat fruit flies mantis bigger then an inch will eat crickets moths etc.

How do you catch a praying mantis?

You must move very slowly towards the praying mantis you are planning on catching, the safest way of catching one is to get a glass or plastic jar and a lid in your pocket, now come toward it very slowly and then quickly cover it with the jar and put on the lid. Remember to punch air holes into the lid and voila you have your praying mantis. But a glass or plastic jars do not make good homes for your new found praying mantis, buy a aquarium and put in grass and dirt and make it look like outside. Now carefully put your new pet inside.

What can you feed your praying mantis?

Live insects (crickets, mealworms, flies, etc.) and canned cat food. The canned cat food should be the ground kind, as it's easier for them to eat.