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I think tht u should or u shouls give her some space so tht she wont feel like your not letting her do anything.

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Q: If your girlfriend says she feel like your holding her back should you let her go?
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If your girlfriend says she feels like you're holding her back should you let her go?

Yes. You should never feel like you are holding someone back and it is unfair of her to say that. It is no one's fault but her one. Answer I don't think I could ever tell someone that. I might break off the relationship but I would never say something like that to someone. If someone ever told me that I was holding them back, I would say "bye-bye".

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Holding hands is not a requirement to being a good girlfriend. If it is an issue for you, talk to her about it. Tell her how you feel.

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If u really think she is worh it...u should think about how she makes u feel first and then think about how u feel without her

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It is OK for you to feel like your girlfriend doesn't trust you. You are entitled to your own feelings and if that is what you feel,that is fine. However, you should discuss your feelings with your girlfriend if they are making you feel bad.

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she should not be.... noone should holding your feelings in is a serious problem physcially and mentally. if we were supposed to hold feelings in, then why should we feel?

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This happened to me one time and I feel that you should tell him too back off because he already has a girlfriend. Unless he breaks up with her and you believe you like him too, then you should get together.

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Yes! You should tell her, you should also tell him how that made you feel. Think about it, you'd want to be told!!!!

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How do you feel? Exactly!

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You should talk to your girlfriend about it. Talk to her about how it makes you feel when you see her flirting with other guys.