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no, I am 37w 2 days and I'm 80% effaced and 1 cm and they don't think I'll go into actually labor for at least another week if not more. your contractions are just getting your cervix ready for actual labor.

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Q: If your having painless contractions and are 1 centimeter dilated are you in labor?
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How come you are 4 and a half centimeters dilated and not having contractions?

Shouldn't you be in a hospital and not asking this question here?

If you are 38 weeks with first pregnancy contractions 3 minutes apart lasting 70 seconds and dilated at a 2 with 80 effaced will labor come soon after having two cervatals?

If your contractions are three min. apart then you probably already are in labor especially if you are already dilated and 80% effaced. If the contractions aren't regular then you aren't in labor but if it turns out that your not then you will most likely be going into labor really soon.

Why am i having few contractions at 5cm dilated and 50 effaced?

The baby probably isn't ready yet. Where I went to the hospital if you were 5cm dialated they would keep you and induce labor. you can be zero dilated and be in labor. As soon as your muscles start contracting you are in labor and have pains.

You are 3 cm dilated will you have your baby soon?

You are already in the first stages of labor. It could become hard labor in a matter of minutes or days. Keep a close eye on things and get to the clinic or hospital (or call your doctor or midwife if you are having a home birth) as soon as thigns begin to change.

When do you go to the hospital when having pregnancy contractions?

normally is 5 mins, but you can go eairler depending on what your doctor says and if your water has broke, also it depends on how far you are Dilated.

Are you in labor if you are 1cm dilated and have lots of back pain?

Yes, however, on tv you have a contraction & you go to the hospital & the baby is born. With all of my babies, i had back pain & contractions for weeks before they were so painful i could not stand it (active labor- 4 to 8 cm dilated). So if the pain is not bothering you, you are probably having contractions & your body is gearing up to go into heavy, active labor soon!

You are on the Mirena IUD and you started having contractions 3 days ago and you are about 3 quarters of an inch dilated Does anyone know why?

Your IUD may be coming out. Avoid unprotected sex until you confirm with your health care provider that the IUD is still in place.

If you lose your mucous plug in a heavy show and are dilated to one but are not having contractions then what does that mean?

It is definitely possible to have some uterine activity and not feel or notice it at all. Your mucus plug regenerates until you give birth. It just sounds like your body may be preparing for labor and delivery but there is no tell-tale sign when you'll deliver such as how much you are dilated or how much of your plug you are losing.

Im 34 weeks pregnant and having contraction every 5 to 10 minutes apart but not dilated Will you go into labor soon?

Have you spoken to your doctor, obstetrician or midwife about this yet? If not, I really advice phoning them or going to the hospital because your contractions are pretty close together. It is possible that these could still be Braxton Hicks contractions. But they could be the start of labour. It's important to get checked out.

You are 36 weeks and dilated to 2 cm and you just lost your mucous plug how long until you deliver?

i would say not long at all!!!!!!!!so hurry up and get to the hospital girl.... my water didnt break until i got ther and it was 2hr later my son was born.. are you having contractions?

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