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Karla Karrisa

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Q: If your in a car that stops suddenly your body keeps moving because it has?
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When you are in a car the stops suddenly and when your body keeps moving what is that called?


Why is a car seat belt important?

It keeps you from moving forward if the car is hit or stops suddenly.

If you are in a car that suddenly stops your body keeps moveing because it has?


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Because of inertia. Things that are moving likes to keep moving.

What happen if a fielder stops the fast moving ball suddenly?

the fielder would break down and the ball would fly into their face. the obviously too much chocolate silly fielder

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When a car stops suddenly the passengers tend to move forward relative to their seats Why?

When car was moving, passengers were also moving. When car suddenly stops, the moving passengers try to maintain their state of forward motion because of their inertia. so they move forward relative to their seats...

When you are inside a bus or jeepney what do you experience when the vehicle starts from rest?

1.Why do you tend to move backward when a bus suddenly starts moving from rest?Answer: The inertia at rest of your body tends to resist the bus' motion.2. Why do you tend to move forward when a traveling bus suddenly stops?Answer: The inertia in motion of your body keeps you to continue moving even ifthe bus has already stopped

What keeps an owl's eyes from moving?

The eyes of the owl are fixed by sclerotic rings ( Sclerotic rings are rings of bone ) which stops the owls eyes from moving.

What is the force that opposes the friction force?

The opposite force to friction is momentum. Because friction stops an object from moving or slows an object down, momentum keeps it at speed.

Why wearing a seatbelt is important to Newton's 1st law?

because when the car is moving really fast then stops suddenly the seat belt locks. If the seat belt didn't lock, then you would fly forward.

If somebody runs down a hallway with a book on her head and suddenly stops and sends the book flying what is it called?

The book has inertia, that is why it continues moving.