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It is thought that phermones can cause females of a household to have their cycle at the same time.

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15y ago
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14y ago

yes its not certain that you will start at the time your mum did but it plays a major role in the age you will start

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13y ago

Not really You are different people!

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12y ago

often, yes, but not always

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Q: If your mom started her period when she was 15 does that mean you will too?
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How can your mom you got your period?

for me, i just left a note on the coffee maker saying: dear mom, i think i might have started my period. can you hide a pad or two in my underwear drawer for tomorrow and buy me a pack too? it worked for me and it was less awkward than face to face or on the phone

Can you be pregnant if you started your period the day you were susposed too?

Most likely if you have a normal period on time you are not pregnant.

When is a regular period for a girl?

It all depends on who you are, it also depends on when your mom had it, if your mom had it early chances are that you will probably have it early too and vice versa.

What age do you ask your mom when she had her period in case she thinks you are too young to worry?

at age 12 at least

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In some cases it is totally normal. You shouldn't be too worried but if it doesn't stop or if you are worried you should ask your mom or a doctor just to be safe.

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usually yes but i have two friends who started their period before me and they are skinnier than me, they are 11 (i still don't have my period yet and i want it now! my mom got hers the same age i am now and i am more developed than both of my friends!if u can answer my question too!)

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I don't have much of an answer but this is happening to me too!

If my mum got her 1st period when she was 13 does that mean i will too?

While it is not a 100% guarentee, based on genetics you will probably get your period close to the age of 13, too.

How do you tell your mom you got your period that isn't awkward for ether of you?

You can start the conversation by saying, "Mom, I have something important to tell you." Then calmly explain that you got your period and need her guidance or support. Remember that it's a natural process and nothing to be embarrassed about.

What if you're scared to tell your mom about your first period what do you do?

Do not be scared to tell your mom. She will help you learn how to take care of yourself and teach you what to do. There is NO reason to be scared to tell your mom. She knows it will happen soon and will not be mad at you, plus, she has been through it too.

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This can happen if you've missed any pills or took too many. If this isn't the case then this may mean you've conceived and you need to perform a pregnancy test or it may also mean that the birth control you're currently taking isn't suitable for you.

What could be the cause of bad cramps and heavy period-like bleeding that's too early to be my period?

First off what do you mean it's too early to be my period? Are you talking about age wise or month wise?