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Wash all of your clothing and vacuum your furniture before moving. Wash your pets with flea shampoo. Once you get your apartment set up, purchase some of the flea powder that interrupts the gestation of fleas. Continue to vacuum regularly (throw out the bag or wash the container each time). Fleas should be gone!

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Q: If your old apartment had fleas and you are moving to a new apartment how do you prevent the fleas getting to the new apartment while moving?
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Does swimming in chlorine pools prevent fleas on dogs?

No, swimming in chlorine pools does not prevent fleas on dogs. Also, too much of the chlorine could be harmful to the dog. Try getting some flea prevention from the vet or from the store.

Is there a pill that you can give dogs to prevent them getting fleas?

Comfortis works well...can get it at the vet's office...kills fleas in about 30 minutes and protects them for one month...costs about $16.00

If the outside of your apartment complex is so infested with fleas and you already have your dog on flea medicine how do you control the fleas in your apartment?

To control fleas in your apartment, vacuum your floors daily. Mop vinyl floors daily with a solution of vinegar and water. When taking your dog outside, stick to the concrete as much as possible until you get away from the flea-infested grass. Cut a lemon or orange and squeeze the juice onto your dogs fur. The juice will not harm your pet and will deter fleas from jumping on them as they walk through the flea-infested area. Place slip-covers over chairs and sofas to keep the fleas from getting down into the cushions.

Are dogs able to prevent fleas?


Are flees endangered?

Fleas-no, but honeybees are getting there

How fast do cats get fleas?

by bugs getting in there fur

Do sardines prevent fleas on dogs?

NO! Resources: I heard about it, tried it and it didn't work.

How can you kill fleas without hiring an exterminator?

Not really. The most effective way of getting rid of fleas is to use one of those once a month flea medications such as Frontline, Advantage or Advocate. The best, most effective brands can be bought from your vet. These are a once a month flea medication that will prevent fleas & ticks from getting on him or her for a month. You apply it topically. Combing the dog regularly will remove dead or dying fleas, and should be done until no more fleas can be seen. Washing the dog using a flea shampoo for dogs is also another method for helping getting rid of fleas. Never use human shampoo, detergent or any other products with strong chemicals in. They may kill the fleas, but will also irritate the dog's skin and will cause unnecessary discomfort.

You have found a flea on your cat will it have more?

There is a high probability that your cat will have more fleas on it. Fleas are tiny little things that reproduce fast, and your cat could probably have eggs or more fleas on it. If you want to prevent fleas, there are really good medicines out there you could use.

How would you stop fleas from getting to your cat?

But on a flea spray.

Who mostly has fleas on Animal Crossing wild world?

There is no predetermination for when an animal gets the fleas. The chance of an animal getting the fleas is completely random. Take it as a hunch though, I think the lazy type neighbors might get fleas the most often.

What are little black moving creatures?

fleas, ticks, flys, mini spiders and ear worms