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Yes, depends on country and state but as long as you are not considered an adult that can happen. However if you are a minor and the kick you out there are repercussions if the kid goes to social services. In some countries it is a felony, most have it as misdemenor but it often depends on the age as well. A kid which is almost adult can petition to be declared an adult by the court.

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Q: If your parents tell you to leave the house can they legal declare you a runaway?
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What are runaway laws for Colorado?

You have to be 18 before you can leave home with-out permission of your parents. You also can get in trouble for keeping a runaway at your house.

Can you runaway at 15?

Well... legally no. You could run away but then get in trouble with the police. Your parents or legal guardian can file you as a runaway and they may go searching for you. If you want to leave your parents/Guardians house you could get emancipated.

Can you move out of your parents house at 16 in the state of Georgia?

No. You are a minor until the age of 18. If you leave at 16 without parents permission you can be legally considered a runaway.

What age is considered a runaway in Tennessee?

In the state of Tennessee, if you are 16 and runaway, you are considered a runaway. If you want to leave home, you need to talk to your parents about it.

When is a 16-year-old considered a runaway in Mississippi?

If you leave home without your parents' permission you can be declared a runaway.

Can a police officer force a runaway to go home in Washington state if the runaway is found at a friends house?

yes, by law the officer will take them to the juvenile corrections center and your parents will then decide to leave you in there until you 18 or come pick you up themselves. If the friend that the runaway is found with is 18 or older you parents could press criminal charges against them for aiding a runaway.

If you leave your parents house at age 17 in Texas can you take your belongings with you?

So in addition to being a runaway, you want to commit theft. Sorry, but it belongs to your parents until you turn 18. Which is the legal age for you to move out without their permission.

Can a teenager move out of one parents house to another parents house at sixteen?

you can leave home (with parents permission) at 16 so you probably can move to your other parents house. (If you wait one year then you can leave and get your own house).

Is it legal for a 17 year old to leave his house without being considered a runaway?

Yes, as long as they have parental permission. Until you turn 18, or are emancipated, you remain the responsibility of your parents. They determine where you can live.

What is the law for runaways in MN?

In the state of Minnesota, a child is considered to be a runaway if they are under age 18 and do not have their parents or guardians permission to leave the home. The parents can call the police and the police may issue the runaway a citation to appear in court.

Can you move out of your parents' house at 17 in the state of Georgia?

You can legally leave your parents house at 16.

Are you considered a runaway since your mom told you to leave the house?

No. And your mother has no legal right to ask you to leave until you are 18. If she kicked you out she is breaking the law.