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Anything u intake as alot is harmful, so yes it is harmful to the turtle. Just add a cuttlebone,and you dont haft to worry about anything.

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Q: If your red eared slider baby got too much calcium what would happen?
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What would happen if you have two red eared slider turtles that are boys together?

nothing would happen they would be fine

What would happen if red eared sliders became extinct?

There would be no more red eared slider turtles......not much else would change.

Who would win in a fight between a red-eared slider and a piranha?


How do you find out if a turtle is a slider turtle?

well, a "slider turtle", or a red eared slider always has a red line where their ears would be. that's obviously how they get the name!

Why did my two other red eared sliders eat the eyes of my small 4 year old red eared slider?

Red Eared sliders are aggressive over food, territory mates, etc. Most likely it was due to that aggression. I would suggest separating the sliders and taking the injured slider a vet. Good Luck!

Will a red-eared slider eat hamburger meat?

NO ! Since it would NEVER come across such an unsuitable food in the wild !

What would happen if you ate pure calcium?

Nothing would happen. You would just get a lot of calcium.

Can red eared sliders be only 17 inches?

A 17-inch red-eared slider would probably hold the Guinness World Record for biggest red-eared slider turtle. A very large adult red-eared slider is a little over a foot long from the tip of the nose to the tip of the tail, with a shell around 8 to 9 inches long. A more average size (especially for males, which are generally smaller) is around 9 to 10 inches from nose to tail, with a 6 to 7 inch shell.

What species of turtle is best to buy?

the "red eared slider turtle" would be the best one because they can live up to 50 years!

Can you build a cage in your backyard for housing a red eared slider?

They can be housed outside, yes. Just make sure they have everything they would get from an indoor enclosure.

In a 55 gallon tank can you keep a red eared slider and a lizard and what kind of lizard would be ok?

you shouldn't keep sliders with ANY kind of lizard

Can a red eared slider turtle die if in the sun too long?

I'm sure it would. But a RES is not dumb. If they get too hot they will go back in the water.