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I would keep quiet about it. Depending upon your state or local laws, the insurance company may be required by law to report mold problems to the proper authorities for professional remediation. Assuming the mold is severe, rip everything out right down to the studs. Replace the really bad studs. Replace the floor and sub-floor if you must. Good luck. If you have homeowners insurance, I would call your insurance company and ask if it's covered under your policy. If not, then you will have to DIY.

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Q: If your shower leaked and caused mold in the wall and wood do you need to report this to your insurance or fix it yourself?
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It will not go against your insurance because a claim has not been filed only a police report.

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If you report it to your insurance agency it will. If you decide to take care of the damages yourself, and not contact them, it will not.

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Depends, if a tree falls on your car and you pay for damages yourself then no. If another party is involved in the accident then yes. The reason being is even if you don't report your damages on your insurance the other party may report to theirs. The data from the accident is then reported into the CLUE insurance database and will cause your rates to raise since the database 'sees' that you were involved in an accident. Bottom line, it's best to report to your insurance yourself and let them pay out since you're going to feel the pinch anyway.

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Just like any other accident,, You are responsible for the damage you caused. Either file a report with your insurer so they can cover the damage you caused, or pay them yourself for the Damage. It's your choice. The law requires you be Financially Responsible.

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The terms of your Insurance Contract always require that you report an accident regardless of fault. This is because even though you do not consider yourself to be at fault, the other driver may report the accident to them anyway. Better to be safe than sorry.

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Meaning you didn't report the accident to your carrier? Minimally you have put yourself in a bad light with your carrier. Worse case scenrio? Your insurance contract says you must promptly report all accidents, there is the option/possibility that they could deny the entire claim for your failure to promptly report it. Call it in right now.

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Yes, you do not need a police report to file a insurance claim.

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You call your insurance company and report it. if the accident is your fault, with very minor damage, you would be better off paying for the damages yourself, rather than telling your insurance company and having your rates go up.

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Once you decided to not go through insurance and not file a police report, you left yourself open for paying for your own repairs. Sorry you learned such a hard lesson. Never have an accident and not get a police report. The insurance company is not going to pay out based on someone's word. A police report is needed to file a claim.

Can the insurance company make you pay for accident without police report?

Yes, of course. If you are liable for the damages you are required by law to cover the losses. Having a police report or not having a police report has no bearing on your liability and resulting financial responsibilities. Although most minor accidents do not merit a police report, the insurance companies recommend an accident report be filed whenever possible to document the occurrence and protect the drivers and the company from individuals who may later try to shirk their financial responsibilities. If you have insurance then your insurance company will cover the loss for you up to your policy limits. If you are uninsured then you are required to pay the damages yourself.

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It depends on how smoothly you want the insurance claim to go. Generally, insurance companies resist paying if there is no report to the police.

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Who has insurance and who has license, is a non factor in determining liability for the accident. The person who is at fault will be based upon the police report and who caused the accident. You have no insurance, and have left yourself wide open to a judgment against you that could cost you plenty. You chose to drive without insurance, and in doing so you will be require to accept responsibility for your actions. You do not even have uninsured motorist insurance to cover your damage even if the other driver is at fault and cannot pay. You were not insured, and will now pay for that mistake.