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Yes... but make sure you get an attorney. It may get complicated.

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Q: If your vehicle is stolen prior to filing chapter 7 bankruptcy can you still file the remaining loan amount?
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Will you lose your vehicle or house by converting from chapter 13 to chapter 7 bankruptcy?

Probably there are much more chance that you will be loosing your house and vehicle by converting from chapter 13 to chapter 7 bankruptcy. There is a $25 conversion fee that has to be paid to the court. Depending upon the status of your chapter 13 case.

How long does it take after a bankruptcy is discharged to show on your credit report?

The amount of time a bankruptcy stays on your credit report after discharge differs between Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 Bankruptcy. With Chapter 7 bankruptcy, the Chapter 7 stays on your credit report for 10 years. Chapter 13 bankruptcy, after discharge, it shows for 7 years on your credit report.

If a car is repossessed and sold at auction for less than the amount owed to the lender will filing bankruptcy discharge the remaining balance if it has been reduced to judgment?

It depends on the chapter. In either case, your remaining debt is now unsecured and a bankruptcy filing places the judgment on hold. If it is Chapter 13, file a claim and you may receive a percentage of the bankruptcy estate, but not usually until near the end of the bankruptcy term (3-5 years). If it's a Chapter 7, again, it's an unsecured debt and highly unlikely that the debtor will sign a reaffirmation to pay you back. If the bankruptcy gets dismissed (thrown out), your judgment is back in force, provided it has not expired.

Can you keep autos that you own in chapter 7 bankruptcy?

It depends on the value of your car and if you owe any money on it! Each state allows debtors to have a certain amount of value in their vehicle(s)

If a vehicle was voluntarily surrendered and sold can collection on the difference be stopped with bankruptcy?

With new bankruptcy laws that is no longer possible. If the person files for bankruptcy and includes the vehicle they will have to pay the entire amount of the loan.

Does bankruptcy cover the amount you are upside down on a vehicle after it has been repossessed in Colorado?

It can.

If you surrendered a vehicle in chapter 7 and it was not recovered by the lending agent and was later totaled who gets the insurance money?

The lender, and the borrower is responsible for any remaining discrepancy amount and the applicable fees.

Can you file bankruptcy on a loan for a vehicle?

Probably yes. The reason for the "probably" is that you don't file bankruptcy on specific loans... you file bankruptcy in general, and it applies to most debts (there are certain types of debts that are not dischargable in a bankruptcy). Note that if you do file bankruptcy, you may have to sell the vehicle. In bankruptcy you are often required to sell certain assets in an attempt to at least partially pay off your creditors; you're allowed to keep a certain amount of equity in a vehicle specifically, and a certain amount in "general assets" (which can be applied to a vehicle or to cash or other personal property), but if the vehicle is worth more than that, you would have to sell it.

How does one refinance a home after a Chapter 13 bankruptcy?

One can find a guide on how to refinance a home after a Chapter 13 bankruptcy on various websites like Homeguides and wikiHow. Both websites offer a great amount of information about all kinds of things, including bankruptcy.

Why am i paying for a car in chapter 13 bankruptcy that i don't have?

Depending on the circumstances, you may be able to adjust that amount or file for a chapter 7 if you're eligible.

Can you file a chapter 11?

Yes, provided you meet the qualifications. Bankruptcy is a federal court process. It is designed to help consumers and businesses eliminate debt or repay debts under the protection of the bankruptcy court. Chapter 11 bankruptcy is a type of reorganization bankruptcy, like Chapter 13. Chapter 11 is available to individuals, corporations, and partnerships. It has no limits on the amount of debt, again, like Chapter 13. Chapter 11 is the typical bankruptcy choice for large businesses seeking to restructure their debt and become profitable again. Chapter 11 is the most flexible of all the bankruptcy chapters, which makes it generally more expensive to the debtor. The rate of successful reorganizations is very low.

Do you have to repay everything when filing Chapter 13 BK?

The amount you pay in Chapter 13 bankruptcy depends on your state. In general, you will not have to pay all the debt you owe.