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Q: Igneous rocks that contain many dark silicate minerals and that also are rich in magnesium and iron have a composition that is . ultramafic andesitic basaltic granitic?
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What are the 3 types of magma?

basaltic magma ,Andesitic magma and Rhyolitic magma

What igneous rocks have a mineral composition between that of granitic and basaltic rocks?

Andesitic igneous rock.

What is magma composition of Mount Tambora?

It is that it has high silica content

Is basaltic or andesitic magma hotter?

Basaltic magma is hotter than andesitic magma.

Is basaltic lava less fluid than andesitic lava?

No. Basaltic lava has less silica than andesitic lava which makes it less viscous and so basaltic lava flows more easily than andesitic lava.

This type of magma has low silica content?

There are three types of magma that contains silica. Basaltic Magma has 50 percent silica, Andesitic Magma has 60 percent silica, and Granitic Magma has 70 percent silica.

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Are basaltic scoria and scoria the same thing?

Not necessarily. Most scoria is basaltic, but some can be andesitic.

What are three different types of lava?

Basaltic, andesitic and rhyolitic

What is the average composition of rocks comprising a large composite cone or stratovolcano?

The average composition of rocks comprising a large composite cone or stratovolcano is andesitic magma. It is the intermediate type between basaltic and dacitic magma.

What igneous rock or magma has the lowest silica content?

Peridotite, a type of ultramafic rock composed largely of the mineral olivine, has the least silica.Read more: Which_igneous_rock_out_of_granite_basalt_andesite_and_peridotite_has_the_lowest_silica_SiO2_content

Does basaltic magma have a lot of silica or very little?

Basaltic magma is low in silica compared to andesitic or granitic magma.