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Andesitic igneous rock.

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Q: What igneous rocks have a mineral composition between that of granitic and basaltic rocks?
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Why are granitic igneous rocks light in color?

granitic igneous rocks are light colored because of a lower density than basaltic rocks

Why are granitic igneous rocks lighter in color than basaltic rocks?

Because granitic rocks are poor in iron and magnesium, which gives basaltic rocks it dark color.

What is the difference between granitic igneous rocks and basaltic igneous rocks?

Basalt is an igneous rock with very fine grains. It is dark colored. Granite is a variety of colors: gray, pink, and white. It has coarse grains.

Igneous rocks that crystallize from magma and that are composed almost entirely of quartz and feldspar have a composition that is?

Granitic Composition

What extrusive igneous rock has a mafic composition and a glassy texture?

Basaltic glass

What is the difference between basaltic and frantic igneous rock?

There sedimentary igneous and metemorphic

Light colored igneous rocks are less what than dark igneous rocks?

basaltic rocks are darker because they are more dence granitic rocks are less dence so they are lighter

What is the composition of a rock depends on?

For igneous rocks,the composition depends on the source magma,either basaltic or granitic,For Sedimentary rocks it depends on source of sediments or nature of salts which existed in the basin from which precipitation took place, and for metamorphic rocks it depends upon the source rock.

What makes up the continents and the ocean floor?

The continental and oceanic plates are primarily igneous rock. The continental crust is granitic and the oceanic crust is basaltic.

What is same between basaltic and andesitic rock?

Both are classified as igneous rock.

What are rocks that form Earth's crust?

The rocks of the crust are igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic in origin. The base rock of the oceanic crust are mainly basaltic and the base rock of the continental crust is mainly granitic.

If a lava flow at earths surface had a basaltic composition what rock type would the flow likely be?

A Mafic Extrusive Igneous Rock.