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There is no easy answer. A lot of adults would just say no, it's wrong and you shouldn't do it. Adults are like that. Sex of any kind will change the relationship you have with the girl. For the good or bad, there is no way of knowing. I have a strong feeling it will be for the bad, but I don't know. Should a 15 year old have sex of any kind ? Now he thinks yes. Ask him at 30 or 40 and he will probably say no. The game is rigged no matter how you look at it. A BJ can easily lead to sex which at your age can easily lead to a baby and if you think you won't have sex if she offers, you are only lying to yourself. Bottom line, now and for the rest of your life, when it comes to sex, you are responsible for each and every act you are a part of. At least your part of it. She talks about it, it gets back to your parents or hers, are you willing and able to deal with that. I would say give it a couple more years. Give yourself the chance to grow up just a little be more. You are going to have countless chances in the future even though your body is telling you to get it now.

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Q: Im 15 and a friend of mine witch is a girl of my age asked to give me a blow-job I would really love one but should I go ahead with it?
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