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I am 27 weeks pregnant and my baby (also a boy) has this too. Basically, it means that there is urine in the baby's kidneys and ureters, causing them to be larger than normal. The fluid can be seen on an ultrasound, and doctors usually want to follow it to see if it progresses. Mild bilateral pyelectasis means that it is in the range of 4mm-10mm and in both kidneys. It may be caused by a reflux issue, where the urine is going back up the ureters, or it may be caused by a narrowing of the ureter, making the urine pass more slowly. Doctors will monitor your amniotic fluid levels to make sure the baby has enough, since it is made up of the baby's urine. As long as the levels are good and fluid is still draining into the bladder, even if it is slow, there is no intervention they will need to do in utero. In fact, most cases of this condition resolve on their own before birth, right after birth, or in the first two years of life. There is a chance they will recommend antibiotics after birth, since a reflux problem can causes kidney infections, which are dangerous for a newborn. They also might do a voiding test, in which they inject dye through a catheter and watch if it is going back up into the kidneys. In general, the prognosis is very good for babies with mild pyelectasis and there is no need for concern.

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