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Yes you can be pregnant if you had unprotected sexual intercourse.

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Q: Im 8 days late im not spotting or anything just nausisated can i be pregnant?
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Can you be pregnant if you had 2 days of spotting and 5 days late for period?

Yes, that is what happened to me and I am now 35 weeks pregnant. The spotting is fertilisation taking place.

I had my period then 9 days after I started spotting could i be pregnant?

probably you were pregnant and had a miscarriage

You are 5 weeks pregnant and have been spotting for 4 days only when you wipe yourself?

i am 5 weeks pregnant and i have been spotting for four days only when i wipe myself tho

Are you pregnant if you started spotting two days after your period?

No, if you menstruated then you are not pregnant - it is possible to bleed when pregnant, but biologically impossible to menstruate during pregnancy. Two days after menstruation spotting is normal, it's just the remaining blood leaving your body.

You are 5 weeks you have been spotting since sat?

i am 5 weeks and 2 days pregnant i have been spotting since Saturday

If i had my period 2weeks ago and i started spotting and i don't get my period until feb17 this do not mean that im am pregnant?

I have had my monthly period and that lasted 6 days instead of 7 days and started spotting 2weeks after does this mean Iam pregnant?

If you have spotting a day before your period is due you have never had spotting before could you be pregnant?

Spotting before you get a heavier flow is very normal...If you are normally like clockwork and you only have spotting and do not get a regular flo within the next 3-4 days then it is very possible that you are pregnant and that the spotting is implantation bleeding.

My period lasted two days and i still have spotting's?

Probably not pregnant at this time.

What could cause spotting 11 days before your period is due?

Implantation bleeding = you are pregnant!

How long does spotting last if you are not pregnant?

Spotting occurs as flow winds down. Usually it lasts 1-3 days. If it's constant more than 20 days see a doctor.

Are you pregnant if you have brown spotting and your period is 12 days late?

You very well might be. The brown spotting is most likely to be implantation bleeding which is very common.

If you are not pregnant what does it mean if you are spotting and have mucous discharge for 9 days?

There could be something wrong go to the doctors