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If it has not been determined that your miscarriage has already begun then it could be anywhere from 4-6weeks before the miscarriage begins. Usually once you start to bleed and pass tissue its only around 2 weeks from that point before a first trimester miscarriage is complete.

From what you have described it sounds like you've already begun the actual miscarriage process. So take heart, it will be over soon. I'm sorry for your loss.

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Q: Im 9 weeks with severe cramping and clots with tissue like material sonograhm showed partial miscairrage how long will the pain and bleeding and bloating continue?
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You will continue bleeding. It is dangerous if it will not stop. See a professional.

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Unscheduled bleeding is common in the first three months of birth contol pill use. Continue taking the pill as scheduled regardless of bleeding, and contact your health care provider if the bleeding is worrisome.

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Bleeding in the middle of your cycle is not normal. You need to see a doctor.

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You should continue taking the pills as scheduled regardless of bleeding. Unscheduled bleeding is common in the first three months of use. Stopping the pill every time you have bleeding will only prolong this "breaking in" period. If the bleeding is troublesome, lasts longer than three months, or is accompanied by pain or abnormal vaginal discharge, contact your health care provider.

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Everywhere I have read they stop bleeding after a couple of days. However, it may continue up till 2-4 weeks after if the bleeding has not stopped you need to take her to the vet.

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It is considered by the industry a more humane way of killing. Bleeding requires the heart to continue pumping. Gravity bleeding is less effective and leaves more blood in the system requiring more cleaning.

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The bleeding should lessen after the first few days but can continue about 6weeks. It will get lighter and lighter till it's just pinkish discharge.

Do you continue to take the active pill if on the third week you took a period or do you go on the sugar pill?

You should continue to take your birth control pills as scheduled regardless of bleeding.