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Yes, although it may hurt try sticking one of yoour fingers in && move it around to loosen yourself.

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Q: Im a virgin can you put something in your vagina?
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What does it mean if you have found a bump on the outside of your vagina Im really scared because ive never shaved down there before and im a virgin Im too scared to tell your mom Please help?

If you are a virgin then there is no chance it's an STD and there is no reason why you can not tell your mom. It may just be a benign cyst. My wife gets them at times.

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If you are a boy who is a virgin, it doesn't make any difference in your chances of getting a girl pregnant. If you are old enough to ejaculate (if you have semen come out when you masturbate of have a wet dream) you can get a girl pregnant. And you don't have to put it in her, either. A little sperm from the tip of your penis on the outside of her vagina could get her pregnant. If you are a virgin, the best thing for you to do is stay that way until you find the right girl and marry her.

What if your period comes but leave and im a virgin?

you are still a virgin

Is payton Scott 4rm small change a virgin?

since he is 15 im guessing yes.(plus he wears a ring on his finger so im thinking its a purity ring or something)

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Im swimming around in your vagina Im swimming around in your vagina trying to make a princess

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im not quite sure

You didn't bleed does that mean im a virgin?

Not everyone bleeds the first time. If you've had intercourse you are no longer a virgin.

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How do you feel a girls breasts?

im 13 years old but im flat chested. i like my nipples licked. sometimes my boyfriend rubs them with his finger but after a while they get sore. i guess if my chest was bigger id like them sucked. as long as its really gentle im okay with it. remember mipples can feel really well which means touching softly is good. it feels awesome!

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Im a horny virgin

Are roses drought tolerant?

yes because im a virgin

Is Miley Cyrus and the Jonas brothers wearing a virgin ring?

miley doesnt and i don't think she ever has......not that shes not a virgin but that you know some people just never like put on purity rings, like me. i mean im a virgin and i plan to stay that was until i die. and the Jonas brothers, yes, every single one of them (nick (i love him!), Kevin, and joe, and im not sure about Frankie but he might) have purity rings.