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keep your shirt on unless you're swimming. when else do you need to take it off?? ----- Unfortunately, Emmajoy's answer above represents a significant portion of public opinion, which dislikes shirtless males and/or fat people. But not everybody thinks like that.

Any guy who has shirtlessness issue--and any guy self-confident enough NOT to have such issues!--should consider joining .

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It's important to remember that everyone has insecurities, and what matters most is how you feel about yourself. You can work on building confidence by focusing on things you love about yourself and practicing self-care to feel good in your own skin. Remember, self-acceptance and self-love are attractive qualities that shine through regardless of physical appearance.

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Q: Im fat and afraid to be shirtless in front of girls?
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Why do girls float better than boys?

There is no biological reason that girls float better than boys. Factors that can affect buoyancy include body fat percentage, muscle mass, and lung capacity rather than gender. It may vary from person to person based on these factors, rather than a generalization based on gender.

Why are boys so lazy?

It's not accurate to make blanket statements about an entire gender. Laziness can be a trait in individuals of any gender for various reasons, such as lack of motivation, energy, or interest in the task at hand. It's important to address laziness on an individual basis rather than attributing it to an entire gender.

Why do girls call themselves fat or ugly?

Girls may call themselves fat or ugly due to societal pressures and unrealistic beauty standards. They might internalize negative messages about their appearance and compare themselves to idealized standards propagated by media and social platforms. In some cases, it could also stem from low self-esteem or body image issues. It is important to support and uplift individuals by promoting body positivity and encouraging healthy self-perception.

Why are fat girls jealous?

It is not accurate or fair to make assumptions about one group of people based on their physical appearance. Jealousy can be felt by individuals regardless of their size, and it is a complex emotion influenced by many factors beyond just body size. Generalizing or stigmatizing people based on their weight is harmful and perpetuates harmful stereotypes.

Why do majority of white girls have smaller butts compared to black or hispanic girls?

There is a wide variation in body shapes and sizes among individuals, regardless of ethnicity. Factors such as genetics, diet, and lifestyle contribute to differences in body composition, including butt size. It is important to avoid making generalizations or assumptions based on ethnicity.