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Love is a forever thing. If you've listened to Tupac or love songs from the 80s, you may have an idea what love is. I'm currently 'in love' with someone as well. But all I have of her is a picture. I've never met her. It's most likely puppy love. You just think you're in love. If you love someone, you'll end up meeting them, and spending eternity with them. What do you think? If you love somebody, truly love them, you'll know it. Trust me.

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Q: Im fourteen and im in love with a sixteen year old boy?
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Is it illegal for a sixteen year old boy to date a fourteen year old girl?

Laws regarding age of consent and age gap restrictions vary by location. In some jurisdictions, there may be strict laws against individuals of differing ages dating, even if both are minors. It's important to research and understand the laws in your specific area to ensure compliance.

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Is it normal for a fourteen year old boy to ave love handles?

Age has nothing to do with it.

What should a fourteen year old boy ask for for Christmas?

I believe a fourteen year old boy (or girl) should ask to 'stay a kid just a little bit longer'.

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a girlfriend

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The boy would be arrested

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a bike.

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PAPER BOY!!! or girl

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Where should a sixteen year old boy work?

Selling newspapers.

How can a twelve year old girl make a fourteen year old boy fall in love with her?

i dont know how to make him fall in love with you, but i can tell you if he likes you. strike up a conversation with him and see if he keeps consistent eye contact with you. if a boy likes a girl, he tends to look at her more when talking to her

How much should a 14 year old boy waight?

There really is no specific limit to how much a fourteen year old boy should weigh. It depends on how tall you are, because if you were 5' 9", you should weigh more than a fourteen year old boy who is 5' 2".