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A little bit is in your system. What has happened is you have an elevating bubble in your body. When you drink anything the pressures and carbonization cause alot of fluctuations in the pressure your body is under. When you drink, rum for example the rum actually ferments in your stomach causing it to turn into a gas. Under the right circumstances you can actually trap a small bit of alcohol in this case, any liquid in another situation. Trapping it in a bubble which falls and rises in your stomach depending on the pressure it is under. When the bubble rises, "gassy" feeling you burp, and what is right at the top. The alcohol. So that's why you get that taste. You won't blow over and get a DUI or anything but it wouldn;t be good to burp in no pigs face.

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Q: Im still burping and it tastes like rum but its been almost a week since i drank is the alcohol still in my system?
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